Brandon Bohannon from Texas, has shared a post with the names of some excellent COG leaders from the West. His post brought back some fond memories. Though I was born in the big city of Clover, VA (510 population), when I was 11, we moved to Boulder City NV near Las Vegas.At 12, with the lights of Vegas glittering in the distance, I accepted the Call into ministry. My first invitation to preach, was at 17 when a nearby church asked me to preach a youth revival in Visalia, CA. By then, Dad was pastoring near Exeter, CA. about 15 miles from Visalia. I graduated from Exeter High School. Here is what Brandon posted about COG leaders from the West:clevelandgrad wrote: Mr. Restorationman,What if the people choose some other person to lead the COG for the next 4 years? What if a west coast non southern-gospel person makes it to the top? Will the east coast and missionaries revolt? Absolutely no bitterness or resentment in what I am about to say, I am only speaking the truth: no west coast... person will make it to the top. 1) there aren't enough west coast or west-of-the-Mississippi OBs to make a dent in the SE US populations of OBs. 2) there hasn't been a General Assembly west of Indianapolis or San Antonio. (Denver, Los Angeles and Phoenix would all make great GA sites. I'd enjoy Seattle as well.)Bishop Mark Williams is a Texan who also spent ministry time in California, Florida and Tennessee. Bishop Tim Hill is a Texan who has also spent ministry time in World Missions, state overseer work, state youth work, and in the field in multiple states. Both of these men are due the respect and honor that they have garnered. Promotion and increase belong to and come from the Lord. This is about as west as we are going to get. That said, I love them and am proud of what the Lord has done in their lives.There are great men and women out here in the west, like Tommy Powell, Sean O'Neal, Charles Fisher, David Smith, Les Higgins, Rick Whitter, Doug Anderson, Patrick Wooten, Caleb Crooms and a whole lot more. I hope that at least a few of these make committees although whether they do or not, be assured, they will keep doing an honorable and faithful job wherever they are