Yesterday, I visited a member in rehab who had a just come through a terrible bout with pneumonia. He began by telling me he had a close call and could hear nurses calling the doctors and shouting that he was dead or near death. He said and I saw something. I said what did you see and he looked at me and smiled and said do you really wanna know? Yes I said, I definitely want to know everything you saw! I saw the Lord he said and He spoke to me. What did He say? I asked. He said, everything is gonna be alright. There was a calmness in the way he told what happened. This is a man who probably would not be described in most Church of God or Pentecostal circles as Spiritual. He does not shout or run the aisles nor is he visibly emotional in church. But even in his eighties if a work day is called at church, he shows up with his weed eater. He gives to the church and comes as often as he is able. I came by to offer words of encouragement to him. No one had called me and told me he was sick. That is the way he is. Someone else from church informed me. I really did not feel like going to visit him that morning. I had hurt my back and was (and still am) in some pain. The Lord prompted me to go. I thought, well I will go and encourage him some and WOW! I got encouraged.