I saw where Jason Isaacs became an Ordained Bishop at the General Assembly. He's pastoring a good church and doing a great job in Louisville. He is a source of information and is a third generation CoG Bishop (grandfather and father greatly respected). He is solid and is without question in his personal holiness (well, without reasonable question). He has a great wife and a model family. He's a representative of our hope for the future.With us losing some real important youth from our Council of 18 - let's send a message to our young guns that we value them immensely by electing one of our newest Bishops to the council of 18. I only suggest this because I feel he is otherwise qualified.That will make a statement to our young guys coming up - we value you and want to hear your voice and have a place for you in directing us into the future.Jason Isaacs for the Council of 18. Once that is done - nobody can doubt our love and appreciation for the young men coming up behind us! |