Not one word on here about the shootings in Orlando?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  doyle: Not one word on here about the shootings in Orlando?

Along with many of you, my heart was broken with the loss of life. I cannot imagine the horror of those precious young people waiting as the gunfire drew closer and closer. And then, the outpouring of grief by those who loved them, cherished them, had invested their life in raising them.Part of my assignment as a hospital Chaplain, is grief counseling. Even when the family is aware that their Loved One is slipping away, even in times when death is expected because off long-term illness, the grief of those who loved them, is heartwrenching. What a horror to learn on the news that your precious son or daughter may be among the dead in Orlando.Having been born in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and living there until 11 when we moved to Boulder City, NV, I can still remember an old religious mountain song about a man walking along who sees a bum passed out on the street. At first, he was critical of the guy's behavior, but then he began to see past the scene before his eyes. The haunting old ballad which the famed Hank Williams sang, says:He was some Mother's darlin, He was some Mother's son.Once he was fair and, once he was young.Some Mother rocked him, her darlin to sleep, But they left him to die like a tramp on street.Those precious young people who died in Orlando, were some Mother's darling. Without Jesus, I would be as lost as any person who ever lived. God sent forth His Son Jesus to seek and to save those that are lost. Have you ever been lost- trying to find your way, not knowing which way you were going? I thought about driving from Atlanta to Orlando to be present with those precious families, but there was an incredible outpouring of preachers and Chaplains from that area. There are far fewer here and those here who are passing from this life, and their families, need consoling too.Knowing how caring and compassionate our viewers are, I was just surprised not to see any mention of what happened in Orlando.Another critical part of our role as Chaplains, is to be available for medical staff as well as for the patients. Imagine, in Orlando, the med staff put on their coveralls and boots. As they walk into the building, there were the bodies of 49 young people all around the room. Each one is part of a crime scene and all the forensic efforts that will be made.Outside, the grieving family members are waiting to get any word possible about if their Loved One survived. As I frist heard the news about the shootings, an old black and white video of the giant Hindenburg blimp exploding into flames as it was landing in New Jersey in the 1920's, came to mind. You have probably seen that video too.Radio was a new media then. A young reporter had been covering the news of the blimp's arrival. As it burst into flames and bodies began falling out of the blimp, his once steady and calm voice broke as he began to talk and weep at the same time. His words were, Oh, the humanity, oh, the humanity...Doyl

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

There was a post

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

In reference to hospital chaplains, this must have been one horrible time. It was a terrible act. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Da Sheik:

I didn't post about it here but I did take the opportunity to address the subject of hate and predjudice in a sermon. Just a year ago, there was a terrible injustice against a black congregation in Charleston. They have responded with tremendous mercy and grace. So far, most of the Orlando discussions seem to be political in nature. People are passionate about guns (pro and con). The churches in FL have a tremendous opportunity to preach grace and forgiveness and extend love and mercy. I've seen some terrible social media posts which show no mercy for the victims of the Orlando tragedy.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

I don't know if you saw it, Doyle, but Methocostal did post this and said it well:Today is not the time to debate what caused this problem whether it be the tolerance of the left or perceived intolerance of the right, or whether it is due to gun control or not, or whether sufficient resources or political resolve have been expended to prevent or detect potential terriorist acts. Rather, we should be united today to grieve for those that lost their lives in a senseless killing. The families of the victims need our prayer and love regardless of our views within the political or moral spectrum. Today, our prayers should be for those whose lives are in the balance and for those that suffered no physical harm, but will no doubt, be suffering psychologically because of the carnage they saw. Others will no doubt feel guilty that they survived, yet others were killed or badly injured. I feel for those people as well. We should also remember those first responders that will also suffer in the days, months and years to come because of the horrors they witnessed.

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