According to the 1907 General Assembly Minutes, the Assembly was held at Union Grove (near Cleveland). Shortly after the session opened at 8:30 A.M. on Friday, January 11th, the issue of what the name of the new organization would officially be, was discussed.The following brief note is contained in the 1907 Assembly Minutes:Name of Church. Decision harmoniously made, CHURCH OF GOD, I Cor. 1:2, 2 Cor. 1:1. Question: Why did they have the Assembly during the winter back then? Just my opinion, but in those days, America was primarily an agricultural society. Many of those wanting to attend Assemblies, were farming oriented. Their Spring, Summer and Fall, was sun-up to sun-down plowing, sowing, weeding, harvesting crops and 'canning.'The winter gave them a little time off.Rural people in particular, grew their own food. Travel to town by horse and wagon, and to what few grocery stores were available, could take a take a full day or more.Doyl