Every Pastor Needs to Watch this Before Assembly (L)
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  cogpastorwve: Every Pastor Needs to Watch this Before Assembly (L)

This documentary about church decline is really good. It is called When God Left the Building. follows a church that has to be shut down because the congregation died out and what should be done to save it. It is very well done.A provocative new film providing a candid examination of the recent decline of the American church is set to release .The documentary When God Left the Building explores why American churches are facing declining attendance and support. To make the film, director Thom Schultz and filmmakers spent three years documenting churches around the country, including a congregation that saw its attendance plunge from 900to 40.“The American church as we know it is withering,” Schultz said. “What was once the heart and soul of the community is shrinking. The majority of churches across the country are either stuck or in decline. Weekly church attendance has dropped to 20 percent of the population, and this trend has resulted in the closing of 4,000 churches per year.”During the film Schultz also explores ministries that are using innovative new forms of church and are thriving, including a Texas ministry that gathers in 300 neighborhoods every week.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  cogpastorwve: Less than 9% of COG pastors under 40

Quoting Chris MoodyAge 20-30 3.62% Ministers, .62% pastors Age 31-40 12.61% Ministers, 8.09% pastors Age 41-50 19.98% Ministers, 21.85% pastors Age 51-60 25.84% Ministers, 32.18% pastors Age 61plus 37.95% Ministers, 37.27% pastors

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