June 27, 2016By Mark McGuire — 2 hours agoWow here we find our-self growing closer to one year from the accident. I am not sure how many still can read this nor how many still have the alerts set up. Any way for those of you who still have the alerts set up and to start the finalizing of this journey.August 4th is rapidly approaching and will mark one year since we all started on this journey. It still is so vivid in my memory and Patrice and I still have issues with letting go. It seems every time we hear and ambulance go by or you see life force flying over we find ourselves saying a little prayer. Well lets stop and take a review since the last time I uploaded something to caring bridge.After our return home we had all the fun times of going to the different rehabs, following up with doctors and keeping everything together. Tanner graduated from all rehab ahead of time. All of the rehab specialist have been amazed at how fast his recovery has been. When we returned home finally, Tanner wanted to try and bench press 100lbs but could not lift it. That was only 5 months ago and now the boy is benching 265lbs. Miracle is the only word that I can come up with. Tanner also lost over 50 pounds during the acute stage and he has now put his weight back on and looks like a walking bill of health.Also we have been to Vanderbilt to visit with the ENT specialist in Nashville due to his hearing loss in his left ear. They asked him to smile, move his facial muscles along with spinning around to see what type of balance he had. After the doctor started having Tanner perform these different test he would look at the CT's and Xrays and would look back at Tanner. Finally he started calling different Fellows in and asking them to look at the pictures and then they would also ask Tanner to perform the same test. As each doctor stood and looked with amazement we were still not in the know of what they were so amazed about. When the doctors turned and told us what they could not understand, once again we realized that God had showed up and showed out. Oh yea I forgot to tell you. When the flaps were removed from his head the muscles that control his facial movements were removed and they could not understand how he could make these gestures. With the spinning they were having him do, the loss of his hearing in his left ear should have caused him issues with balance, in-fact you may remember seeing pictures of him leaning to his left while we were at Shepherds in Atlanta. Well the boy has balance in fact it is actually better now than before the accident. Tanner plays basketball every time he has a chance and now he is back to touching the rim. He has really pushed himself in a way that I have never seen someone after having such a life changing experience.Finally yesterday, Sunday June 26, 2016 I was honored to stand on a stage with my son while he began to show and tell how God has changed his life. You see each of us has a story to tell from this journey, even you the one who is reading this. Several weeks ago Pastor Lipsey was preaching and made the comment, When we see a miracle we need to remember what God can do and in a trial or crisis we can always go back to that memory of when God changed the scene. As this Fathers day came and passed it brought on a whole new meaning to me and through this journey it has changed me for sure. If you are interested in having us to come to your church you are welcome to contact us through facebook or you can call me on my cell at 229-646-9693. I am also working on developing a web-site to be used as a place to share your testimony along with asking for prayer. My intention for this site is to be used to connect people who are in a crisis to be able to network with each other and know that they are not alone. Since Tanners accident several people have been in contact with us that are going through something similar with their child. I ask each of you to pray for those with brain injuries and to also remember the parents. This journey is not one that I would wish anyone to go through because there is no rest and peace is only granted with the help of God. Again thank you for your help, support and prayers. This journey would have been harder without you. Remember, God will not bring you across an ocean to drop you in a mud puddle More of Him...less of me.twitter.com/camiracle77www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=691241499&ref=name |