On a Hill far away stood an old chev----
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: On a Hill far away stood an old chev----

Okay, I was a preacher’s kid. I have heard a lot of hymns reworded by kids, many PK’s. I met a lady the other day from my youth. She praised my mama for ‘saving her life’. I remembered the little girl, she attended dad’s church, and always wore pig tails. One day she was mimicking (singing) what she had heard, “On a hill far away stood an old Chevrolet, with fenders all battered and torn.” Etc. Shortly her mama was giving her a real whipping, when my mama sweetly asked the lady to come over and help with the hotdogs, 'Sister yyy, I really need you now.' While they worked (LWWB time) mama was bragging on the little girl and explained Jesus knows kids, he was once a little boy. He understands xxx doesn’t mean what she is singing, she is having fun. Just let her be a child.The lady said from that day on she seldom got whippings (they had been constant), she knew it was mama who fixed it.I grew up with a lot of PKs in NC. I have heard them mock the Holy Ghost (I was always afraid to do that), curse and fake a shout. One became a state Overseer, one a TV evangelist and one that became a state Evangelism Director in NC.There are mean kids and there are mischievous kids, most COG kids are at best, mischievous, and that is not really bad.Now I knew H.D. Sustar’s boys, I don’t think they ever did anything bad (like the Collin's kids ). They were the only kids that attended Camp Meeting in suits, and sit thru the services. H.D. held a tight reign.Point of the post is: The pastor walks a tight rope, as most of you know. He can be too tough on his kids trying to make examples for the member’s kids. That is okay I guess as long as it is remembered, they are still kids.(No I am no authority on pastors nor kids, but I observe, and also remember ministers who were on the edge of cruel Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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