REVIEWS: Independence Day and X-Men |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Aaron Scott: REVIEWS: Independence Day and X-Men |
First, let me get X-Men out of the way. I plan to NEVER watch another X-Men as long as I live. In the middle of the movie, for absolutely no good or justifiable reason, they have Wolverine use the f-word bluntly and uselessly.I HATE THAT STUFF! You know, if you're watching Saving Private Ryan and hear some army language, you at least can connect it to the intent to trying to gain some form of realism (which still doesn't make it necessary, but you get the idea). But when some LOW LIFE DIRECTOR decides to insert an f-bomb or GD in a movie for no apparent reason, I am done with them. Further, the movie did NOT impress me even on its merits as a movie. The bad guy was supposed to be god-like...yet he just didn't come across as anything more than an mutant with some bigger guns on him.OK, now for INDEPENDENCE DAY. Wow. Wow. Wow. I loved the first one...and I love the second one. There might have been a bad word or two sprinkled in there, but no f-bombs and, to my knowledge, no GDs. And it was EXCITING...FUNNY...THRILLING...all of the things you expect in a blockbuster. I am not the easiest to impress in movies, but I highly recommend this one to you, especially if you've seen the first one. It's just one that make you stand up and cheer...or, as we in the theater did at the end, applaud. |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | UncleJD: on x-men |
Sad to say that one f-bomb in a movie is almost refreshing in today's movies , but I understand if you want to boycott them because of it, its your call. I would like to say that I was amused when Christians began blasting the movie for the idea that this mutant would claim to be God and that no Christian should ever watch this movie. As per usual it was another case of making something out of nothing, and in fact was almost the opposite of the claim.Early in the movie, Magneto prayed something to the effect of Is this what you made me for? In a moment of rage and failing, yet at the end of the movie there was a redemptive answer to that prayer in that he was really made to defend his friends and the earth in that moment. It was also pointed out many times in the movie that this mutant was a false-god, and there was another scene in which NightCrawler (a devout Christian in most of the comics and movies), prayed for God's help.In the end, its just a silly fantasy movie and has many faults, is not a Christian movie and can easily be rejected or enjoyed and not cost anyone their immortal soul. It doesn't hurt my feelings if someone disagrees, but I enjoyed it and thought it was amusing that so many read something and just ran with it without thinking objectively after seeing it.I'm enjoying the reboot of the series and it seems to more closely follow the comics than the early movies did. |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | BromptonFalls: UncleJD... |
Ok, I hesitate to comment on this but here is my take. First of all, I agree with you on X-Men. I also thought it was terrible.But Aaron, I disagree wholeheartedly with you highly recommending Independence Day. In fact, I'm shocked that you would. There was definitely offensive swearing, including D--n, B--ch, H--l, using God's name being in vain over 10 times. (Once with God-D thrown in.) Sure, maybe it is not as bad as some other movies out there, but I still don't think it should be |
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