So now it's a "lone gunman"?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Resident Skeptic: So now it's a "lone gunman"?

A friend of mine made this observation...

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD: ________________

hundreds of panicked people with adrenaline flowing like crazy, heart rates doubled, imaginations racing from fear and excitement. dozens of reporters interviewing dozens of people, getting tidbits here and there during a very fluid scene where one guy thought there was gunfire from 2buildings. I watched this live and local for 4 hours I was particularly keen to see these descrepencies unfold having noticed this pattern in nearly every chaotic scene since I was old enough to pay attention. I wanted to watch it play out. And yes, there were a LOT of different stories as the night unfolded. That is exactly how these things play out. Everyone, even police officers, were not sure of the exact situation, Chief Brown and Mayor Rawlings were both reluctant to give too much information because THEY did NOT know if there were accomplices or not, yes they said they were looking for another shooter, so they should based on the reports they were hearing which turned out to be echoes. One officer released a picture of a guy IN the march with an AR-15 (a typical Black Panther/Black Power guy), and even I suspected that was NOT the shooter (who would march around smiling and getting his picture taken, then go up and start shooting?). So he was one of the suspects early on, that changed. The other 2 arrests turned out to be unrelated (I suspect drug dealers trying to pedal at the BLM march). The 2 shooters from two buildings turned out to be echoes from large glass buildings. The shooter himself was trapped and shot hours before he died (the one shooter is dead story from very early), turns out he wasn't dead, just wounded for hours until the cops blew him up with a remote bomb.I know a good conspiracy theory is always fun, but this is not a conspiracy, its is pathetic, racist, hateful man acting out his murderous hate.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  p5harri:

The two in the Mercedes were apprehended and determined not to be involved. No conspiracy. There apparently were people with rifles walking around but then again Texas is open carry. No conspiracy. UncleJD is right don't confuse panic and confusion of the moment with the final outcome

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