Anyone watch "The Preachers" on Fox? Is it TD Jakes' show? (L)
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD: Anyone watch "The Preachers" on Fox? Is it TD Jakes' show? (L)

I watched it yesterday during my lunch hour. It was ok, largely slanted toward the predominately black church, but there does seem to be somewhat of a balance. The one on the left is a social-gospel, overtly democrat, Al Sharpton type of reverend, and the two on the right are, appropriately, the most traditional and conservative (as far as gospel message and having a concern about sin and righteous living). None are politically conservative seemingly, unless its John Gray from Lakewood church in Houston. I'm not sure what to think about it yet, but I was wondering if this is the faith based talkshow that TD Jakes said he would produce this year (he said he would be doing one this year back in 2015)

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