On scale of 1-10, how do you evaluate this Assembly? |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | doyle: On scale of 1-10, how do you evaluate this Assembly? |
What is your evaluation of this Assembly? Since such a meeting is multi-facitied, what did it mean to you and your ministry? Overall, how would you rate the speakers, the singing, the business sessions, the fellowship etc. How did you like having the Assembly in Nashville? What would you do to improve the General Assembly? That question is not intended to be negative about the Assembly. Almost everything we do in life can be improved since THE LARGEST ROOM in the world is the room for [email protected] |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | THE LOVE OF GOD: |
I thought Bro. Williams did an excellent job. He is very patient with all of those preachers who have various opinions. (Some don't always use good common sense - I think they like hearing their name and getting known). The music was good - better than I have seen before at Assemblies. I even heard a few red back songs. I thought Bro. Hill preached about the best that I have heard from him. Suggestion: Wish it was scheduled in the fall or spring rather than in the heat of summer. Nashville was hot and Orlando will be as hot with high humidity. I think Orlando has more reasonable motel rates. Back to Nashville, we stayed about 4 or 5 miles out and paid $653 for 6 nights. It was not anything extra. It was Red Roof which has gone down in class from what it used to be. |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | mytwocents: Ok, I Will Bite |
Nashville - i score it a 1. Expensive hotels, few eating venues near convention center, rediculous parking fees. Poor choice by someone.General Council - 4 . Overall i was ok with elections, etc. exception was that glitch in the process left Mark Walker off the first ballot on the council of 18. When the glitch was discovered we started voting again, but only those who noticed knew it was walker who was left out. By then the top names were already revealed (without walker) and the power of momentum took over. Williams had two chances to specifically note the unfairness but refused both times. Personally I believe he owes Walker an apology.General Assembly Services - NA. With the cost of parking, once I left the center I did not return.General Assembly - we have a real problem here. The highest governing authority of the COG is suppossed to be the Assembly. IT IS NOT. The time for the assembly has been relegated to four hours and when the speeches of the elected has ended and the recommendations from the Council considered, the Assembly has no time to consider its own business. I do not believe this is by accident! This is carefully designed by the real power, the Exec Committee. |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | skinnybishop: |
My thoughts: Nashville as a whole: 2 A poor venue for the Assembly. Expensive hotels, expensive parking, etc. It was just not a good place for the type of event we have. There is a LOT of movement taking place at General Assembly. Every movement cost money, in the form of tipping hotel parking attendants, event parking fees, and restaurant valet parking you name it.....or else it cost in the form of paying cab fares. Tough place to get aroundMusic City Center: 1. All events scattered out. Little security.... Parking there was a rip-off. Also surprised at the lack of vending machines, concessions, etc? Finally, I wondered what we were going to do, on the 4th floor, if there was an emergency. Food: 7. Had some great meals while in town. Enjoyed several places on Broadway. Business Sessions: 7....I was moved by the communion and foot washing. Frustrated by some of the typical over the top arguments that people make. I thought Mark Williams did a great jobmoderating and leading the whole week. Mitch Maloney's speech was one of the most powerful moments I've ever witnessed. Overall, I'd give this Assembly a 6Points deducted because of logistical challenges of Nashville and the skimpy General Council Agenda |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Bowtat: ok ok ok |
All time winner:1. Mitch Malony - COG father of the year Winners:1. Moderator was best 2. morning speaker 3. night speakers ok:1. Elections of the the top 5 and council 18 was ... ok2. Agenda was week, but the motions were fun3. think younger Losers:1. Nashville for not letting us know that the hottest summer ever was coming... Toronto is calling 2. Attendance |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | #18: |
Not to hi-jack but, what is the farthest WEST the Assembly has ever ventured? |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | MartyBaker: Re: On scale of 1-10, how do you evaluate this Assembly? |
Doyle,I would rate the General Assembly 8+. It was the best General Assembly that I have ever attended and I have been to every one since 1980.Like those who have previously responded, the speakers in the morning were incredible and the same could be said for most of them in the evening. I bought tickets for the pre-Assembly conference, but I could not get there quick enough and I missed it. However, the word on the street was that it was very, very good. Patty attended the ladies' event on Tuesday and really enjoyed it.The agenda was ..... lacking and maybe that was okay.The voting was okay ... we elected several younger voices but I wanted to see a younger person on the Executive Committee .... however, I was thrilled to see David Ramirez elected. I also wished that we would have elected someone from the black community. (I typically would say, African-American but in our church, we have many anointed black leaders that are not American).The testimony with the Church of God pastor from Oregon whose daughter was in the school shooting was very touching. Dr. Mark Williams did an incredible job moderating the sessions and leading the movement.I gave it an 8 because we have a culture of fear and as a result we do not Think Younger. Having said that, I was proud of the Church of God leadership and I am proud to partner with this great organization.For me the best part of the event was connecting with friends for breakfast on Thursday. And yes, I was thankful for Johnny Moore being there because I needed someone else besides me to represent the Old Folks .... also wondered why Tom Sterbens was a no-show to the breakfast. ~Marty |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | famousflavius: Sliding scale |
Rating GA16 |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | zjudah1: |
Accommodations: Holiday Inn Express 4Holiday Inn Express shuttle service 1Holiday Inn Express expense 1 plus parking expense General Assembly Agenda: weak 4General Assembly Speakers: 8+Pre-Assembly Meetings: Wasn't thereModerator: Best Ever!Speech from Mitch Malony: priceless! |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Dean Steenburgh: Sorry I can't offer a rate |
Did not attend this year.Probably not going to attend in 2 years either.In my opinion the GA has lost it's focus & bearing to the local church member & thereby the O.B. delegate as well.We need life & we're on life support.Life would come in the form of rethinking & reshaping the whole G.A. experience.I never want to experience the G.A. experience I have come to know these last 20 years ...simply put ...Boring!We come with anticipation & excitement & leave let down & discouraged.Every time I've went it has cost my church thousands to send our delegates & their wives only to come back home to discussion sessions on why the CoG has done this or that & the conversation/explanation is usually spelled out in some sort of traditional thing or cultural thing.I've come to the conclusion that the best thing for our church is for us to focus on our local callings & ministry & let the system do it's own bidding.I'm sure this probably comes across as bitter or negative but actually I'm not either one & neither are any of our leadership. We've just found it's better to pick our conventions & leadership events from inspiring venues that confirm our agenda & help us strengthen our local strengths.The G.A. is in true honesty a private gathering of like minded folks who talk about wanting change in function of ministry to take place after a panel has discussed it for 2 or 4 or 6 years before it is given a chance then the world has changed. I'll start my own thread on GA suggestion so as to not derail this topic Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at: [email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus! |
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