Any time anyone ever asks me to baptize them, whether they attend my church or not, I have a talk with them about what baptism means, what sin, repentance, discipleship and salvation is, etc. I also ask them if they have a church home and, if so, why they don't want to be baptized by their pastor. I always do my best to impress upon them that baptism requires a wholehearted commitment to obey the Lord Jesus in all things, and that without a genuine experience of conversion first, baptism is just an empty ritual with no power whatsoever. All the above generally helps weed out any who are not really serious about following the Lord in water baptism. I do not require that one wanting baptism first be a member of my church. To my mind that is totally backwards; anyone wanting to become a member needs to have been truly born again and baptized prior to joining a local church, as I see it. Edited your post 2 times and still couldn't work faith or grace in there somewhere? Well, as long as they understand sin... I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: