Religion |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | bradfreeman: Religion |
Religion, the knowledge of good and evil, makes you like God.It requires you to |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Nature Boy Florida: Re: Religion |
What scripture do you base your position that religion = the knowledge of good and evil |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | bradfreeman: Re: Religion |
What scripture do you base your position that religion = the knowledge of good and evil? Do you think I should say: The Law is the knowledge of good and evil? I generally consider the Law as the picture of religious practice.The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the source of death. It's best demonstrated through the connection between this Tree, the Law and death.but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | maqqebet: This is Not True... |
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the source of deathbut another failed attempt to read in to something a preconception that colors all other thought even though it isn't true.The Tree of the Knowledge of God and Evil IS NOT the source of death but it was Adam's disobedience that brought death. Adam's Sin: Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from thee tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it.' Genesis 3:17Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned...the wages of sin is death Romans 5:12, 6:23.The Tree of Knowledge was placed in the Garden to remind Adam he was accountable for his actions and disobedience has consequences, and the consequence Adam passed on to all mankind The HammerMi kamocah ba'elim AdonaiWho is like you, Adonai, among the mighty? (Exodus 15:11 |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | bradfreeman: Re: This is Not True... |
Thanks Maq,The Law-lover speaks. Here's your faulty premise: |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Nature Boy Florida: Re: Religion |
What scripture do you base your position that religion = the knowledge of good and evil? Do you think I should say: The Law is the knowledge of good and evil? I generally consider the Law as the picture of religious practice.The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the source of death. It's best demonstrated through the connection between this Tree, the Law and death.but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | maqqebet: Re: This is Not True... |
A reminder huh?And the Law (given 2,500 years into humanity) was too? A little late for our reminder, wasn't it?Adam's disobedience was not believing God was freely giving Him life, blessing, sonship...everything. His choice evidenced that. God's plan for man was immortality. It still is. It was and still is a free gift. Adam chose to try to find life by his own good and evil and discovered there is no life and blessing apart from Life...just curses, toil, sweat, thorns and thistles. Indeed, I love the Law, along with the Prophets, the Writings, the Gospels, and the Apostolic Writings. All inspired by God, rightly divided and you have the Word of Truth. The Law is good, holy, and inspired and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. I'm sure you know the passage location.You force a Greek paradigm upon a Hebrew mindset and you create false analogies and twist Scripture to mean what you want it to mean.Further, you read way too much into Adam's introduction to the Tree of the K of G&E. It is just too simple for you to accept what Paul states - it was Adam's disobedience. He listened to the Woman's voice, choosing her position over God's command not to eat from the tree. He was disobedient. There is no fanciful entertaining of what life would be I I do this. At least the woman could see the value - good to look at, good to eat, able to make wise - the big three, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life.Adam just took a bite. There is no intellectual, moral, philosophical, theological exchange between the man and the woman. He took a bite of the fruit that God had forbidden - just plain disobedience. That's what Paul wrote.You are simply looking for another way to present your hatred for the Law (since I'm a Law lover therefore you are a Law Hater). You have gone the way of the Alexandrian School and typologically beat the same drum but that too is much a drift from the wisdom of the Hebrew mind.The issue is not whether the Greek or the Hebrew perspective is better or worse than the other.The issue is you cannot take a mindset foreign to the original and expect to find the answers you are looking for. You can't ignore the foundation if your going to build. You can't twist the original to say what it isn't saying and expect the end product to be a true reflection, just a twisted exhibition of a mind that exalts humanism over God Himself, that exalts human reasoning over the Reasoning of God.That's all I have to write about it. Shabbat Shalom!!! The HammerMi kamocah ba'elim AdonaiWho is like you, Adonai, among the mighty? (Exodus 15:11 |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | bradfreeman: Re: This is Not True... |
You don't, can't simply believe that God put an apple tree in a garden to see if Adam liked apples more than God.Adam didn't choose to eat a peach. He chose the knowledge of good and evil to be like God. He chose to reach for become the source.Jesus isn't simply a loaf of bread that we take a bite of and live. He is a message. He is a Word. We don't eat His body. We receive the Gospel by believing it I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: |
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