A set up?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Ernie Long: A set up?

The following is is a post on the The Excellent Pastor of the Church Of God Facebook page, Excellent pastors in USA, do your require you members to be politically committed to the republican Party (Trump) or to a certain political party? Hypothetically speaking would a person committed to the Democratic Party be welcomed and be received as an authentic Christian in your church (if such a person was going to vote for Democrat--Hilary)? If yes, then can you actually point to sound bites that are positive about Clinton in your sermons? Personally, the white evangelical Church of God seems pro republican party, pro Trump. Help me communicate to others that it is not the case, that is you can be received into membership as a Christian and support Hillary Clinton as president.Almost every pastor that has responded to the above, the originator of the post ask another question. I am leary of this for the simple fact he only points out the white evangelical Church of God The picture of the originator of the post shows him to be an older white man.I have asked him several questions and am waiting for his reply.Has the media polluted the worlds thinking in that white american males are the reason this country is so messed up?Do Christians in other countries view the American church as a joke and we are just about filling a seat on Sunday mornings?In some of his replies, he has stated that he watches services that are on churches websites and he is very judgmental on what is preached.

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