Let me first unequivocally state that abortion is murder and should not be legal. It is a scourge on our society in every way.However, does there come a time when we throw up our hands (politically) and handle it like God did when he gave them the land of Canaan? Those that sacrificed their children to Molech or Baal were given as a reason that God would destroy them and give the land to His children.Do we ever say, God give us an inheritance in the land and cut off the children of the wicked? If the wicked want to cut off their inheritance and demand such things, while the Children of God decide to go the opposite way and return to a lifestyle that places family above material wealth, then what will happen in 2 or 3 generations? Would we who raise Godly children then inherit the land?These questions have been coming to me lately in light of the fact that there does not seem to be a political solution to abortion. We (conservatives) have had majorities in congress and in the executive branch off and on for 45 years and nothing has changed other than those demanding it are getting louder and more and more vile every day. Please refrain from political solutions in this thread, what is the Biblical response for dealing with the wicked and their culture of death?