Different cheeks of the same........face?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: Different cheeks of the same........face?

I look back over the nearly 60 years I have been voting. I have voted both directions and one third party. Some of the folk I voted for got elected. But since 1956 the country has been headed liberal, not much different than my church. It hasn't made much difference who was in, we usually were in a war or headed for one. It seemed that the democrats were conservative when I first started, so I was a democrat.But I began to watch, no matter what a politician said, he seemed to change when he got into office. I am gullible enough to believe that some thought they could stop a runaway train. But no one can. Not a Democrat nor a Republican. I do think it can be slowed down. i.e. I think if Romney had been elected we would not see the LGBT situation as BIG as we see it now, but it was coming even if Obama had not called and congratulated an athlete for 'coming out'. It just got here sooner.So as much as I hope Trump (with all his warts) gets in, no one is gong to stop the train wreck we are headed for. No one can live being underwater with debt very long, neither can a country. I am not a pessimist, anyone who knows me knows I am always UP. BUT I am logical, no one can pay off their debts unless they are earning enough money to do so. Our gov't 'earns' it's money thru taxes (no matter what they are called). SO Taxes will increase. Our work force is Hispanic, like it or not. Just look at any road or construction crew. Sure they are working for less wages, but there was a time that you and I would work for less wages, just to have a job. We wanted to feed out families.If the illegals are sent home, as much as I hate to say it, our USA work force has grown lazy, few folk want to work for less than $20 an hour. The crops would rot in the fields, buildings and roads would not be built. As long as workers are not on the tax roles, and are paid cash under the table, our debt will grow. That is a fact no matter which party is in charge. I think a Republican even a RINO can slow it down, delay the train wreck. FDR was a Democrat (of a different stripe) but he slowed the train down, but it has never been stopped so the wreck was avoided.Just my opinion. This is Too long I know, but tonight I am looking back, in my life time, we have never became more conservative we always have become MORE LIBERAL no matter the party. I could say the same for the church. And I am not complaining, I still love my church. (of course I still love my country too Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD: Re: Different cheeks of the same........face?

I think we became more conservative for about 10 years + after 1980. Republicans prior to Reagan had become more liberal socially and even fiscally with taxes and over-regulation. The extremes of the drug culture and sexual revolution of the 60s were somewhat blunted in the 80s (don't get me wrong, it was pervasive but just not as in-focus as it was in the hippie generation), and I think a lot of those hippies moved back to a more conservative lifestyle (hence the Reagan democrats)

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: Re: Different cheeks of the same........face?

I think we became more conservative for about 10 years + after 1980. Republicans prior to Reagan had become more liberal socially and even fiscally with taxes and over-regulation. The extremes of the drug culture and sexual revolution of the 60s were somewhat blunted in the 80s (don't get me wrong, it was pervasive but just not as in-focus as it was in the hippie generation), and I think a lot of those hippies moved back to a more conservative lifestyle (hence the Reagan democrats)I don't think conservatism is dead, its just dormant for now until someone who both understands it and can communicate those ideas in a way that Reagan did comes along. I pray that happens in 4 years,

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