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"Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist Followers of Jesus: How Should We Respond?"(L)

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Post subject: Link: "Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist Followers of Jesus: How Should We Respond?"(L)
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
This article seems to express to some of the thinking that some missionaries hold to these me personally, as I understand the term 'Buddhist', the idea of being a Buddhist Christian is an oxymoron. The idolatry or eastern Buddhism is inconsistent with the Christian faith. The whole original philosophy of Buddhism, which is basically a philosophy within Hinduism about eliminating suffering and want, isn't set in a worldview that isn't really consistent with Christianity. I'm not against 'spoiling the Egyptians' by relating the Gospel to people within their own worldview, but the end result should be disciples who believe the Gospel, not some people who hold to their old religion who just really like Jesus.Does 'Hindu' refer to ethnic groups from the perspective of Hindus? The way we use it in the west, if you are a Hindu, you worship idols. That is not consistent with Christianity. Hindus have to let go of their belief system. We can try to build intellectual bridges, but the result of discipleship should be not believing in Hindu beliefs that are inconsistent with the Christian faith.Muslims already acknowledge Jesus as a Prophet. So does that make them Muslim followers of Jesus? Christians in different parts of the world can do all kinds of things that aren't sinful. They can wear funky gowns like people do in their culture. They can meet together sitting on the floor or standing without wearing shoes. They don't have to eat with spoons. Culture is one thing. Synchretism with other religions is another.It doesn't seem like the COG affiliates in the part of the world I am in are into this hypercontextualization synchretism stuff. But some of the small missions agencies may have some people that are way out in left field when it comes to contextualization. Part of the great commission is baptizing converts. That needs to happen. Disciples also have to be taught to believe the apostles' doctrine

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
Site Admin
Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
It is much easier to respond to your question from the pew in the USA. You are or have been in the front lines to these religions on their turf. It will take a wise man, with prayer and love to discuss Christ with these believers. It is uncomfortable to 'not know' what to say in the above situations, but when in doubt, I pray and trust that I will be inspired with the right words to say in the odd or out of normal circumstances. But as you can see, I am no help. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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