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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: Obesity

No folks, this isn't Eddie, it's me.Before I got too old my wife and I had a ministry (if it can be called that) we would travel to different churches that needed some volunteer work, repairs etc. I was invited to a church pastored by a contributor on this forum. I enjoyed Mem's back and forth with LC especially on LEO's. Mem for--- LC very negative. Both had good points.When you only talk to someone on the internet or hone, you never know actually what they look like. When I arrived at the church I met a great guy. He had a good personality and was dedicated to his church. He was a handsome young man also. He was not 50 years old. My brain had to adjust, I had him pictured about my height and weight, looking military. However he was much different. He was way too large. he was carrying around an extra 200 lbs or more.We had a good time and I finished most of what was needed plus I added some extra lighting in the church. In parting he gave me a small gift. I see it as I sit here, a pen set. He died within a year. My heart broke. He was so large, his wife could not care for him. I became sick on my stomach when I heard. I had really liked him, his church loved him and missed him.Lately I met a young man, in his early 30's, he is even heavier than friend Mem. He too is a COG pastor. Me saying anything would not help, we are brothers, but not friends. I may never see him again, but I will think of him and his little wife. I hope somehow he reads Eddie's testimony and story.It is a sad thing, to see a huge person, joke about their weight. It is as serious as death. I do not like to be down, but seeing a 'short' future for a talented and gifted person gives me the 'downers'. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Just so you know in case we get a chance to meet, according to the height/weight charts, I am obese (and short). I do enjoy walking and staying active. I saw you singing on U tube, I know you ain't Obese! Just sayin! When are you gonna play the mandolin Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Just so you know in case we get a chance to meet, according to the height/weight charts, I am obese (and short). I do enjoy walking and staying active. I saw you singing on U tube, I know you ain't Obese! Just sayin! When are you gonna play the mandolin? There is another word the Doctor uses for 'dangerously' over weight. It won't come to mind now. That is the term I shoulda used. But as usual words escape me. I see them going by but cannot grab them. That is the beginning of dementia methinks.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

Well, again, according to the charts, I'm (just barely) morbidly obese, but I just don't think the chart tells the whole story. (And I'm probably within 5 lbs. of any video you saw of me. Of course, it might be like I tell Chief Charging Battery--that was another woman you were looking at. )I'm not trying to make the thread too personal, I'm just saying the term obesity doesn't always convey what we think it does.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carolyn Smith: Just so you know in case we get a chance to meet, according to the height/weight charts, I am obese (and short). I do enjoy walking and staying active. I saw you singing on U tube, I know you ain't Obese! Just sayin! When are you gonna pl

Yeah, I fit the profile, too, Bonnie. Perhaps not morbidly so, but over what I need to be. Unfortunately, with IBS problems and limited exercise options, it makes losing tough. Not saying there aren't some things I could change, but it is an uphill battle. I'm seeing a nutrition counselor but my head isn't totally in the game. Cojak, I would say folks that make jokes about it know the truth but it's part of their coping mechanism. I'm sure your young friend is fully aware of the risks he's facing. But he's embarrassed and has failed at earlier attempts to lose weight. It's a lot easier to put on than to take off. And it's easier to laugh at yourself before others do it More of Him...less of

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

This wasn't meant to be a shot at anyone. Just my observations. Carolyn I do understand the defensive mechanism, I use it concerning my own education. I am always in awe of men and women who can lose 100-150 lbs. Eddie is an example I point out many times to my friends.My point is someone carrying 200-300 lbs over, are headed for an early grave and it breaks my heart. It also breaks my heart to know some husband or wife is going to injure their own back and ruin their health trying desperately to take care of a very sick 'heavy' person. That is from personal experience, my own family, not guessing.I understand anyone morbidly over weight Knows the risk. I personally knew a preacher who said, I don't care if it shortens my life ten years, I will eat what I please and let the cards fall where they may.It did cut his life short, but in the last five years he suffered terribly, he lost both legs, and his mind. It actually about drove his daughter and his wife crazy. It brought about the daughters divorce. That is from their own statements to me, when I would go by to help them some. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carolyn Smith:

I know you weren't taking a shot at anyone. I hope it didn't come across that way. Certainly not my intent.I hear your heart. It is sad. More of Him...less of

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