We had two great services this past Sunday. Attendance is still down a little due to summer(I guess ) But the Spirit was moving mightily. We had James and Johnny Hughes(IMNA) with us.Our Sunday night service was especially sweet. The altars were slowly filling up and people were coming forward for healing. James and Johnny were praying for people and you could feel the Spirit seemingly increase the more they prayed. People were laying out all over, groups of people gathered to pray and people were being blessed all over the sanctuary.We recently have had several very devout Catholics start coming to our church because they are realizing some issues with their church. One particular man, Isaak who is from Northern Africa and is currently the education director for the dicocese in our area. He came to the altar and it was evident he was feeling something. His hands shot up, he started crying and you could see he was trying to contain what he was feeling. He started to cry and he would stop, he started to laugh and he would stop, he started to stagger and he would stop, he started to shout and he would stop........ I went to pray with him and he said to me Pastor, I don't know why I am crying.These former Catholics are feeling the Spirit like they have never felt before and it's not being taught or pushed on them. They are feeling Him for themselves.