Official 2016 election prediction
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Resident Skeptic: Official 2016 election prediction

Ok. I've been telling everyone that we should not start making predictions on the elction until the first of September. Well, he we are. So now I'm going to make my official prediction concerning election 2016. NOTHING, I repeat...NOTHING that comes out about Clinton will phase her blind followers. She will be our next President. Someone who, by all rights should be locked away as a felon will win the White House.Trump will win the popular vote by 3-4 percent. There will be an obvious anti-Hillary backlash right before the election. But Trump will garner millions of extra votes in States he would have won easily anyway. Sadly, he will not garner enough votes to win in the major battleground States. Thus Clinton will lose the popular vote by a significant number but win the election in an Electoral College landslide. By the time she is inaugurated, the country will be just as divided and agitated as we were on the day Lincoln was sworn in. Hillary's victory over law and justice will embolden her like no other corrupt leader has ever been emboldened before. We'll be wishing for a return to the Obama days. But resistance will explode. By the end of her first term Texas will be getting ready to have its first referendum on independence.This is one prediction I pray I'm wrong about. But I see no other outcome

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

Three years ago Cojak predicted Hillary

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Of course I am a prophet (Hopefully a false one)But if Hillary gets in, it has been said, WE GET what we deserve.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Resident Skeptic:

Even liberal pundits say that it is a long shot for the Dems to capture either

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  c6thplayer1:

Even liberal pundits say that it is a long shot for the Dems to capture either.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD:

Even liberal pundits say that it is a long shot for the Dems to capture either. Lets hope thats true. Sorry, I honestly believe Hillary winning and being thwarted on gun legislation and other liberal nonsense along with plunging us into further economic turmoil through her tax and spend policy will be the best (and I hate to use that word) scenario leading us to a 2020 sweeping win . Trump would likely be a catastrophe with ripple effects costing us for a generation or more.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Even liberal pundits say that it is a long shot for the Dems to capture either. Lets hope thats true. Sorry, I honestly believe Hillary winning and being thwarted on gun legislation and other liberal nonsense along with plunging us into further economic turmoil through her tax and spend policy will be the best (and I hate to use that word) scenario leading us to a 2020 sweeping win . Trump would likely be a catastrophe with ripple effects costing us for a generation or more.I do hope he can keep it close though. God help us all. The next 4 years is a no-win scenario if there ever was one. I am not sure of that scenario JD. She will continue Obama's course and he is presently a VERY POPULAR man whether we like it or not. He has been in nearly 8 years and Complete disaster has always been predicted. I have a feeling if HIllary gets in it will be just a boon for the Dems, and set in for at least 8 years and after that it will be a race downhill Imma thinking. Sure our national debt will continue to grow, but that is all of America today, we have been taught that DEBT is unavoidable, and many of my friends believe it. I cannot see one bit of good coming from the Hillary Whitehouse. JM Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  c6thplayer1:

Even liberal pundits say that it is a long shot for the Dems to capture either. Lets hope thats true. Sorry, I honestly believe Hillary winning and being thwarted on gun legislation and other liberal nonsense along with plunging us into further economic turmoil through her tax and spend policy will be the best (and I hate to use that word) scenario leading us to a 2020 sweeping win . Trump would likely be a catastrophe with ripple effects costing us for a generation or more.I do hope he can keep it close though. God help us all. The next 4 years is a no-win scenario if there ever was one. I am not sure of that scenario JD. She will continue Obama's course and he is presently a VERY POPULAR man whether we like it or not. He has been in nearly 8 years and Complete disaster has always been predicted. I have a feeling if HIllary gets in it will be just a boon for the Dems, and set in for at least 8 years and after that it will be a race downhill Imma thinking. Sure our national debt will continue to grow, but that is all of America today, we have been taught that DEBT is unavoidable, and many of my friends believe it. I cannot see one bit of good coming from the Hillary Whitehouse. JMO

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Resident Skeptic:

Even liberal pundits say that it is a long shot for the Dems to capture either. Lets hope thats true. Sorry, I honestly believe Hillary winning and being thwarted on gun legislation and other liberal nonsense along with plunging us into further economic turmoil through her tax and spend policy will be the best (and I hate to use that word) scenario leading us to a 2020 sweeping win . Trump would likely be a catastrophe with ripple effects costing us for a generation or more.I do hope he can keep it close though. God help us all. The next 4 years is a no-win scenario if there ever was one. I am not sure of that scenario JD. She will continue Obama's course and he is presently a VERY POPULAR man whether we like it or not. He has been in nearly 8 years and Complete disaster has always been predicted. I have a feeling if HIllary gets in it will be just a boon for the Dems, and set in for at least 8 years and after that it will be a race downhill Imma thinking. Sure our national debt will continue to grow, but that is all of America today, we have been taught that DEBT is unavoidable, and many of my friends believe it. I cannot see one bit of good coming from the Hillary Whitehouse. JMO Exactly. By UncleJD's logic, any Republican candidate should be winning by a landslide after the disaster brought on by 8 years of Obama. But he remains above 50% approval and his devotees do not see him as a disaster just as 50% of Venezuelans do not see current conditions in their country as disastrous. They are blind robots. Texit is the only hope

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD:

Even liberal pundits say that it is a long shot for the Dems to capture either. Lets hope thats true. Sorry, I honestly believe Hillary winning and being thwarted on gun legislation and other liberal nonsense along with plunging us into further economic turmoil through her tax and spend policy will be the best (and I hate to use that word) scenario leading us to a 2020 sweeping win . Trump would likely be a catastrophe with ripple effects costing us for a generation or more.I do hope he can keep it close though. God help us all. The next 4 years is a no-win scenario if there ever was one. I am not sure of that scenario JD. She will continue Obama's course and he is presently a VERY POPULAR man whether we like it or not. He has been in nearly 8 years and Complete disaster has always been predicted. I have a feeling if HIllary gets in it will be just a boon for the Dems, and set in for at least 8 years and after that it will be a race downhill Imma thinking. Sure our national debt will continue to grow, but that is all of America today, we have been taught that DEBT is unavoidable, and many of my friends believe it. I cannot see one bit of good coming from the Hillary Whitehouse. JMO Exactly. By UncleJD's logic, any Republican candidate should be winning by a landslide after the disaster brought on by 8 years of Obama. But he remains above 50% approval and his devotees do not see him as a disaster just as 50% of Venezuelans do not see current conditions in their country as disastrous. They are blind robots. Texit is the only hope. You are forgetting a couple of things. White guilt by the democrats make it impossible to say anything negative about Obama so polls are skewed there. White Dems will give Hillary no such latitude. Hillary is already far less popular than Obama. The horrible employment and low wage situation that Obama gets a pass on would not be tolerated 4 more years when the blame Bush has finally drawn its last breath. The other poll number, right or wrong direction is probably much more significant. 70% of the country believes we are going in the wrong direction, that one is what is keeping Trump in the race, and what I think would absolutely kill EITHER of these two candidates coming in, both are job-killers (Hillary with taxing them to death, and Trump with trade war threats). Let it be Hillary and the Dems that take the fall.

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