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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bradfreeman: Labels

Labels.I've worn a few labels in my life. Some I was proud of, some I didn't like at all (lol)...friend, husband, drinking buddy, preacher, dad, husband, heretic, lawyer, lover. You get the idea.Nobody likes being pre-judged, or post-judged either (lol). Yeah, I know I post a lot of spiritual stuff on FB and with that, comes labels and preconceptions. I really hope I don't come across as a religious nut - critical, condescending and conservative.I hope those who know me best would say I'm free, fun and loving. I do have a hunger to understand the spiritual side of life. I've never been happy or satisfied with a spiritual experience that sucks the joy, the passion and the fun out of living.The way Jesus opened is the path to abundant life, generous, passionate, unconditional love, and true freedom. That is what I want you to experience. Religion is scared you might enjoy a movie, a beer, a deep kiss or a ballgame.Jesus gives you the freedom to enjoy life to the full and in a way that doesn't hurt you, control you or hurt someone else.Paul said these radical things about his spiritual life:All things are lawful for me...To the pure all things are pure...I know and am convinced of the Lord that nothing is unclean of itself......God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.It is for freedom Christ has set us free...Yeah, I know religion wishes Jesus hadn't made 180 gallons of the best wine for a party where they'd already been drinking.Religion wishes Jesus, His apostles, Paul, Timothy and the early church hadn't drank any alcohol.Religion wishes He'd been a little tougher on the woman at the well with 5 divorces and a live-in boyfriend.Religion wishes He'd condemned the woman caught in adultery or at least made her apologize.Religion wishes He hadn't hung out with drunkards and tax collectors.Religion wishes He hadn't let a whore touch Him and kiss Him.Kids loved Jesus! What does that tell you?Maybe one of my posts will help knock the crust, the fear, the hurt, the frustration, the disappointment and death of religion off you and give you courage to rethink, to reconsider and explore your spiritual side again.Maybe one of my posts will help you see that the life Jesus came to give us is way bigger than your preacher's 12 favorite passages to preach from and way better than you thought.Pop the labels off of spirituality.Pop the labels off of Christianity.Jesus is worth reconsidering. Jesus is better than what you've heard I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog:

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Brad, honestly I agree with much you have said here. In my childhood I saw religion just as you describe it. In my youth, I still did, but questioned some things.NOW? I have learned a lot. I know myself. I rub shoulders with family and friends when I am home. Many still hold the same 'BELIEFS' you shun here, but they do not know better. They have changed over the years themselves and do not know it. But they are still good folk. They are not all miserable and most are still fun loving, BUT I KNOW I AIN'T GONNA CHANGE THEM.I confess, I have learned a lot here on this forum. I have been pleasantly surprised at some logical discussions. I have smiled at some 'NARROW MINDED' folk (IMHO). I have been SHOCKED at some thoughts pastors share here. BUT I know nothing I say is going to get some folk 'Off their hobby horse', as my dad would say. So I smile and live the best I can.WE all do what we believe it the right thing (EVEN IF SOME OF YOU ON HERE ARE WRONG. LOL). I appreciate your attitude and posts, but really some of my friends who are still in the 1940's COG, are still fun-loving. And I love everyone of them. They will be buried in a double breasted suit, wide tie (no tie clasp) and I think Jesus who understands us all will welcome them with open arms. I think HE even loves some Religious nuts. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  c6thplayer1:

If anyone is short on labels there are at least one or two here that will be glad to tag you with a few more.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: Labels or Titles

I just saw a title the other day I DO NOT WANT. I read that the oldest man alive had died. Man you don't hold that title long. I don't want it. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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