I was in the hospital one year ago
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Eddie Robbins: I was in the hospital one year ago

I could hear the chatter....I knew he would kill himself running. I was in Little Rock to run a half marathon. I made a mistake in my preparation that I will never make again. I didn't know it at the time and it put me in the hospital. Here is my Facebook post from last year that I made while in the bed:Thank you for for your prayers and thoughts! I am overwhelmed by them. Here's what happened. I had a good race this morning here in Little Rock. No issues. I ran it in 2:31, which is not my best but not bad for me. After the race, I walked back to the hotel and cleaned up. I got in the car and headed east. After just a few miles, everything appeared to be white. I was passing out, so I pulled over to stop and I was in an exit lane so I continued just a bit and saw a Cracker Barrel. I pulled in and told someone that I was sick and would they please check on me in a while. She came out and I had passed out. The next thing I knew, the ambulance was on the way. My blood pressure was 100/62 which is crazy low for me. I was sweating profusely and was nauseous. I arrived at the ER here at Baptist Medical Center and they ran tests. My enzyme level was a little elevated but they wanted to check it again 4 hours later and it was a little higher which is not the best. So, I'm staying over night so they can check again in the morning. I feel fine now and have for several hours. Pray that the enzyme level is normal in the morning so I can go home. That is the best case scenario. Don't want to talk about the worse case scenario. much love to all of you!!So, the next morning, I went through all of the tests on my heart and, of course, it was fine. The cardiologist told me that he knew I was ok because I had just run a half marathon with no problems. Here is the mistake I made that caused the issue. One of my blood pressure pills is a diuretic. I took it before the race. I also took an energy drink with caffeine with me and drank all along the race. The combination of low blood pressure and dehydration caused me to pass out. My enzymes are supposed to be low after a half marathon. That wasn't a problem but the hospital didn't want to be held liable by letting me go and finding out I had a heart issue.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

Eddie, I remember you posting that on Acts last year. Thank God for the good Samaritan who called the ambulance for you! Knowledge empowers, and it's good to know not to take your pills before a race.

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