2016 Kentucky Pastor's Forum with Governor Bevin
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  wayne: 2016 Kentucky Pastor's Forum with Governor Bevin

I was permitted to sit with over 120 multi-denominational Pastors from all over the state of KY yesterday. We listened to several speeches from different state officials, Governor Bevin and Bishop Bruce Rabon.I was proud of the KY presence at this meeting, proud of my Bishop and proud of my State Leaders. I shared with our church last night what I took away from this gathering. Our government leaders were begging for the Church to engage in the political process. One state leader said he remembered when they could call one pastor needing help regarding a bad bill that was being brought to the floor. He said that one Pastor would rally pastors and churches all over the state of KY and those bills would be defeated because the state house would get flooded with phone calls/letters/emails. He sadly said that doesn't happen much anymore. This leader went on to say, the media and others have scared the church silent because we fear losing our tax exempt status for fear being put in jail. One lawyer said if any church or pastor has charges brought against them for speaking out - he agreed to defend them for free. He also added in his 20 years of practicing law - he has not seen 1 church lose their tax exempt status. They were begging us to stand up and let our voices be heard. I was shocked that government leaders were begging the church to rise up. Bevin

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