I'm going to vote for Trump but it's not going to matter most likely due to my California zip code.I told my church last week that we cannot stand by & let Hillary assume office un-challenged.We have been living under the oppression of scandal & financial, moral depravity for years due to the most liberal government in the country.If Hillary wins you will ALL get a nice big taste of living under the same kinds of scum control of such harsh dictatorship. They are not leaders they are controllers.Way too many things to list but trust me it's ugly when liberals control the executive & legislative branches which in turn will also control the judicial. It's so easy right now to say, 'oh well, we'll just have to persevere' but trust me you won't feel that way when you try to build something & they tell you 'no' or you try to open a bank act & you have to jump through tons of hoops or your kids come home telling you about the new signs at the public bathrooms in school or the constant threat of paying property taxes on property where the church sits. Right now we have to pay property taxes here in CA for any land or buildings that are not connected to the chapel.Liberal government nowadays is not like it was a few decades back, it's akin to in your face socialism & you can't do one thing about it.Our next governor here in CA will be Gavin Newsome & he told the Christian Right a few years ago in the most hateful way he could, 'get ready to embrace the rights of the gay community & there is nothing you can do about it' & so far he is a prophet whose words have come to pass.He plans on running for POTUS in 2020 or 2024 & he looks like he would be a great POTUS until he opens his pie hole Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!