1. Buy the uniform size boxes from Lowes or Uhaul. Uhaul gave us the best price and will buy back unused ones.2. When selecting boxes, use the small ones. Only use the big ones for things that cannot fit in the smaller. This will make your packing and loading more uniform.3. Play the truck rental agencies against one another. I did that with Uhaul and Hertz and got my Uhaul for $35 cheaper with unlimited miles, the BIG dolly for hauling appliances, and five days to move instead of three.4. During the course of loading, be brutal with yourself. Can you live without this item or is it merely taking up space. Take a look at your wardrobe. Can you wear it or do you keep it in hopes that someone will finally invent the instant skinny pill? Encourage your spouse to do the same, but you lead the way. (That also includes all those books you just had to have at the time.)5. When it comes to loading and unloading, have your help committed weeks ahead if you have that luxury. If not, many Uhauls have contacts for contracted day laborer so for just such a task.6. Make sure each box is marked to identify its contents and room it belongs.7. Have perspective as to what rooms should be set up first upon arrival. It should go in this order.KitchenBeds in respective bedrooms Then living and dining rooms8. Make sure tools needed for assembly are handy including a charged drill or electric screwdriver. Having a supply of hangers for pictures, gun racks, and other decorations will save you some running.9. While unpacking, fully expect to discover more things you can really live without. You really don't need 10 pair of tennis shoes and 62 baseball caps.10. Throughout the process, forget the regular trash bags and buy the heavy construction bags. They will also serve you well when getting rid of moving in trash.Finally, my last tip in moving...Don't do it more than absolutely necessary