Remembrance of our JourneyJournal entry by Mark McGuire — 10 hours agoAs I sit here today October 4th 2016, 14 months since Tanners accident, I am awed by the power of God. It was this time one year ago that the doctors were scratching their heads and wondering what was going on. Amazed we all were of the healing power in prayer to a God that hears his children. It was a true miracle of what we saw and still see transpiring. This week Tanner has started a new job working with me at Mars Chocolate and I still look at him and see not just my son but a walking, breathing, talking miracle. Today as I woke up I had a stirring in my soul, and my family has a link that is called McGuire praise. As I posted on that toady and shared with them a scripture I ran across, Revelation 12:11- And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; ... After I uploaded my text, my phone began to lite up. What I was unaware of was that 56 years ago today my Grand father McGuire (Poppa George) was involved in an explosion at the Eastman plant in Kingsport. Coincidence? No, I don't believe so.Well here we are 14 months removed from the start of the storm of our life. I look back over our journey and I can't help but see the hand of God in all aspects of this journey. For example: The nights staying in the ICU waiting room and jumping up to answer the phone to hear news that I was not wanting to hear. The challenge to what I had been told all of my life that God answers prayers and to call on Him. Yes I remember the days that my faith could not have been bigger than that of a mustard seed. But yet when all was lost and their seemed to be no hope, there was still a God. I am reminded of Thomas in the bible and how he doubted whether Jesus was alive after His death on the Cross? Remember, Thomas lived through that and he saw what had happened. Thomas went on to say I will believe it when I see the scars in his side and his hands. Well I was a lot like Thomas, I needed to see those same hands, feet and the scars on the side of Jesus. Well it all came this week and I am not sure why it has hit me so hard this week. Sunday was friends day at our church South Cleveland Church of God. I was unable to attend due to work, but as Sunday came and I was leaving work, it hit me. Sitting in the front seat of my truck as I was leaving work, I noticed that Tanner was sitting on the other side. Yes he is working with me at the same place where I work. But what was unusual was even though I was not at church on Friends day, I spent my friends day with Tanner starting a new job. As this week has progressed and each day I am at work and I see him working with me I can't help but to remember that 14 months ago, I was being told all the things that he would have problems with for the rest of his life. What really hit me the hardest was my coworkers that knew what I had gone through started stopping me at work as I would walk through the different modules and would ask? Is that your son Tanner? I always replied with yes! The responses that I have received are astounding. One comment from one of my coworkers was I needed to see that. I asked, see what? They replied: Your son! I asked why? Their reply; I have been asking to see a miracle! Another comment that was made was: I kept watching your social media outlets to see when the funeral was going to be, I never thought he would make it! Now, looking at Tanner, if you could not see his scares you would never know anything happened. Finally I am still left with that feeling of gratitude to each of you who prayed, fasted and just stood by our side during this journey. I had always asked you to help me get Tanner back on his feet. To pray specifically for different issues we were having. Well I just wanted to report back to you and let you know that, my son Tanner is back on his feet, driving his truck and working again. So back to the scripture I started with. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; So be Blessed Family of God and remember those blessings and answered prayers! Those remembrances may be the weapons you need to defeat the enemy!Mar More of Him...less of