Before he ate, Adam enjoyed life with God, sonship, with no knowledge of his good or his evil. He didn't approach God because he knew he'd been good.He didn't hide from God because he knew he'd been evil.He enjoyed unbroken relationship, free access, fellowship with his FatherBefore he ate, Adam lived in the garden of Eden (Eden means pleasures).He and Eve enjoyed painless fruit-bearing (childbirth).He and Eve enjoyed a free supply of all they needed.He and Eve enjoyed free access to the Tree of Life.What will eating do?Focusing on your good will fill you with self-confidence, self-righteousness and pride.Focusing on your evil will fill you with fear, shame, condemnation and doubt.Life in your good and evil will make you hide who you really are, cover up with fig leaves, exalt yourself, put on a mask, wear sheep's clothes, clean the outside of the cup and put others will steal from, kill and destroy you.The Cure, faith in Christ.Christ frees us from relying on our good-it is rubbish.Christ frees us from and put away our evil-there is no condemnation.Christ freely gives us life, blessing and restores us to the family.In Christ, fruit-bearing is painless again.In Christ, there is no need to hide, to cover up, we can come boldl I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: