Until you see up close and personal what drugs can do, you do not know the pain mothers, dads, children and families endure trying to 'help' the addicted.In my own family fortunes have been wasted, families torn apart. Successful men turned into street people.Can you imagine the embarrassment of these two when (if) they come down from the drugs effects. Can you imagine if it was your son or daughter? No they did not plan this, they were sure they could handle it. God help them and their families.Would you visit these two if their parents asked you to? Would you pray with or for them? Not every COG or 4 SQ pastor would, and that is a shame. The time they need the Lord the most, some pastor will ignore them.Not that he can save them, not that he could help. BUT BUT they would know someone cared about them. I Hope you would care enough to visit them when they were not high on drugs. Those times do happen, they do experience times of regret and being lucid. Some facts but mostly just my
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