This mess with Trump and a year of so ago about some sports club owner, and that dude that managed or owned or something with Fox, caused by private conversations the actors never expected to become public information.In thinking about that, I have had hundreds of conversations, some naughty, some nice that I would have been embarrassed if they appeared on a bill board. I know enough about human nature that most of the folk who comment here have had conversations you would be completely embarrassed if they were played from a recorder in your pulpit. Not saying they were crude, rude or nasty, just that MOST of us say some things in private that are just that, PRIVATE.If it was nothing more than, 'Brother Bear looked like he was mad at the world today!'If you have a tainted past (like many) you would want to crawl under a rug if your language or meanings were made public from say, fifteen years ago.I am disgusted and frustrated with Trump. I have said many times I liked some of the things Trump said, I just wanted someone else to say them.Most of the folks who reluctantly support Trump always worry that his mouth will sink him. But in this case, it was stupid, it was braggadocio and it was crude. BUT it was a private conversation. There is not a politician, man or woman, who would want their private conversations made public. Just my ramblin... Like most every 'anyone but Hillary' folk, I wonder when the next shoe will drop. Some facts but mostly just my
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