NEWS FLASH: We are in this situation as Christians for the simple fact that the Federal Government at will operates outside of the limits placed on it by the States in the Constitution. These issues will not be resolved by trying to fix Washington. Our only hope is the establishment of new American republic whose government is patterned after the original intent of the Framers concerning the Constitution and Amendments added (with the exception of the 16th and 17th Amendments, and with a drastically clarified 14th Amendment).Christians will never again experience the freedoms they once did, nor will States ever again enjoy the republican form of government and rights to self determination while remaining part of this corrupt Union. There are many independence movements in Texas and some are not worth considering. But there is one that stands out as a logical, well-thought-out movement all Christians should become a part of. Texas can be the first domino of many to fall if we will concentrate our efforts in restoring her status as an independent nation instead of languishing the way we are now, hoping for a conservative President to arise someday. Christians deserve a country where they can be assured the public schools will be true centers of learning rather than indoctrination centers run by leftists, where they never fear an activist Supreme Court legislating from the bench by forcing churches to accept the gay agenda, where local communities run their own affairs and decide for themselves on whether or not to have prayer in school or religious expressions on public land.This is not a joke , friends. This is simply history repeating itself. History is on the side of freedom and self-determination. We owe to ourselves, to our posterity, the Framers and to God to preserve Christian American values, even if it is in a geographically smaller area. And this post only covers the moral and religious reasons for independence. We have not even discussed the huge financial advantages separation from the USA will