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I'm not a political person, but...

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Post subject: Ernie Long: I'm not a political person, but...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I am seeking an understanding about the candidates for POTUS.Trump is bashed for his words and it doesn't matter how long ago he spoke them or the context in which they were spoken. It seems the guy can't get a break.Clinton is forgiven for ALL of her actions and she is made out to be the sweetheart of our country.I'm not sure if the ad's we see in Ohio are seen by the rest of the country, but there is an ad using the 2008 election where Obama is soundly trashing Hilary for the things she had done up to 2008. But, all is forgiven to her. Why?Why are so many (as the media spins it) wanting her in office? Why are so many running to her defense for what has been proven that she did, but are ready to hang Trump for his words?In every situation where there has been a catastrophe, Trump makes an appearance or sends a message to the people, but Clinton is never heard from, much less going to where her presence might give some comfort to the American people. I see her as a president missing in action and instead of her taking charge, she will have her staff make the decisions that only she as President should be making.

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Post subject: c6thplayer1: Re: I'm not a political person, but...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Re: I'm not a political person, but...

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Post subject: Dean Steenburgh:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Take a look at the trash trump is talking about. Nothing about our nation. Its all about him and his victories with women and self. This is so out of bounds that it has to be at the top of the media. Actually the stuff regarding women just came to light on Friday the 7th & it was regarding events from 11years ago.Who among us has lived perfect for the last 11 years?I too have a big issue with the extreme media bias in favor of Clinton & her hundreds of lies. I googled her lies last night & I stopped when it went over 100. To make it fair I was looking at liberal media sights to see what they were saying about her lies & how she always gets a pass.The world wants Hillary in office!The media wants Hillary in office!Hollyweird wants Hillary in office!ISIS wants Hillary in office!Bills wants Hillary in office!And certain posters on this board want anybody but Trump in office which is exactly the same thing as wanting Hillary in office!!!!Daniel 2:20-22God knows how the vote will end up & I put my trust in Him & my vote goes to Trump Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at: [email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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My friend I have an opinion. WE as Republicans (conservatives, non-liberals) give the world (USA) the impression we are morally above the liberal democrats. When a more liberal politician does something considered wrong or immoral, it was a mistake. Hey WE are not perfect, we are human.But WE 'conservatives' or just not a Democrat invite screams and calls from the liberal side, So that is family values? It is always said when the MANY Republican politicians are caught with their pants down. i.e. Newt G. Prosecuting Clinton while having an affair himself. We have mayors, representatives, Senators, Governors who court us 'Christians' and declare they are 'with us', then after they get the vote end up disappointing us by declaring they are gay or having an affair (usually after they are caught).We somehow demand to be held to higher moral standards but too many times ARE NOT. Too many Republicans are 2 faced. Or just like Hillary, WE seem to have a public stand and a different private one. (Something like that.But in the long run, our nation is more liberal now than ever. Some credit goes to Obama, but not all. The media is definitely liberal minded and wants to prove that Christians (Republicans also) are not as morally high-mined as they say they are. And many times they do a danged good job of it. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: Cojak: Re: I'm not a political person, but...
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
That is true too! Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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