To all of my FB friends, I have a statement regarding the details that surround us in light of Mr. Trump's issues from 2005.It's hard to accept that an 11 year old video of Donald Trump is considered more of an issue by some people than the staggering criminal issues related to Hilary Clinton. As far as whether or not it was inapropriate is a slam dunk ...of course it was inapropriate. In today's society the F word has become part of the household lexicon. It doesn't seem to bother anybody when dirty talk takes place at work, school or even among friends in social settings. However, there are many more important issues to deal with such as the in your face criminal behavior of the Clintons which is looked at by the White House, DOJ, FBI, Obama & the DNC as normal Clinton behavior. When you mix in the access by foreign national leaders who have had the Clinton Foundation's attention, the breach of American National Security by this woman, who can't even keep her lies straight on any given day, gives us concern as to her mental stability or deliberate maleficence. We simply cannot allow her to toy with the 2nd Amendment & use her executive powers to create a retail environment where ammo is too expensive for the average American & gun permits will be outlawed in the name of national security ...wink, wink.She has proven that she was incapable of protecting the Benghazi Embassy, while letting 4 men die. Information on additional assets and their secret identities were also exposed and their lives & their families lives were put at risk. Her legacy is connected to Barack Obama who seems to have an agenda to continue an ongoing total destruction of the Middle East. We are less safe in America today than we were 8 years ago and our nation continues to be weakened by the White House agenda. Mix in the unfortunate data that since 2009 we have added almost 6 Million more people to our welfare rosters. Also our GDP is at the lowest percentage it has ever been at under Obama's leadership & Mrs. Bill Clinton wants to continue the agenda of the this administration & it's massive failures?Haven't we had enough? Meanwhile, the world community is waiting for the next disaster to happen with Russia, N. Korea, China, and Iran. Hilary Clinton has proven over & over that she is a pathological liar, a scam artist using her access to world leaders through the Clinton Foundation, and incapable of keeping America's National Security by using a private internet server at her office & in her home. In time we'll know how far her secret deals have gone & how much she's cost America & Americans. In the meantime Mr. Trump may have issues regarding his opinions but his opinions haven't killed anybody. No he isn't perfect but I'm still voting for Mr. Trump as I cannot in good conscience vote for Hillary Clinton.Signed, Pastor Dean Steenburg Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!