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I predicted a Trump loss

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic: I predicted a Trump loss
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Thus I will not even bother watching the debate tonight.What cracks me up though is those of you who actually believe any other candidate would have beaten Hillary in the end. There are some things you just have not figured out.1) Smears hurt Republican, whether they are true or not, whether they are big or small. A majority of Americans are now trained to want to believe something bad about Republicans.2) Slick Willy raped women, lied under oath, was disbarred and impeached. His approval ratings soared and he was reelected easily. This proves point one to be true. Voters will be glad to have him back around.3) The GOP does not want a conservative to win. They don't even care if one of their NWO candidates like Jeb wins or not. They are happy to nominate Kasich and Bush types to win or lose. Either way the gravy train remain intact.4) There are not enough voters who understand what it is they have lost nor do they care. Thus, there will never be a conservative or nationalist President again, ever. Soon tens of millions of illegal aliens will become citizens and will be dictating to you and I. Hillary will push for a North American Union whose charter will ban gun ownership. Many States will howl but SCOTUS will declare that the NAU treaty trumps the Bill of Rights. Canadians and Mexicans will applaud this as they aren't allowed to own guns now. The only bright spot is these events might push Texas towards independence. It will take a significant number of conservatives moving there to make that a reality, however.On a scary note, we might have a war with Russia. The decent thing to do will to become a war protestor if that happens. Look for nukes to be used in certain areas here and for the USA to be broken as a world power. That might actually save us from Hillary in the end

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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You may be right, but it is early to throw in the towel. Lots can happen in a week. I just learned the debate is tonight. I never keep up. I assume tomorrow someone will tell me what happened. LOLI am getting to the point I don't really care, that isn't what I mean, I do care, I just know there isn't much I can do about it. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: lesserpower: Re: I predicted a Trump loss
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I have said from the pulpit since 2008 that Hilary would be the next POTUS. I agree with your thought, and have also made this same statement. Largely due to the Electoral College, and how it harshly leans toward liberal agendas, we will never see another conservative POTUS

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Post subject: UncleJD: Re: I predicted a Trump loss
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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At least not this time since there isn't one running.

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic: Re: I predicted a Trump loss
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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At least not this time since there isn't one running.However, I truly believe that 4 years of Hillary will deliver a true, movement-conservative in 2020, especially if the GOP voters can regain their collectively lost minds from this cycle. There have never been 2 candidates poised for a one-term run than these two losers. No she will not deliver a true, movement-conservative in 2020. She will easily beat Kasich or Bush, as is the Establishment plan. If 8 years of Obama didn't make any GOP nominee win by a land slide, then neither will Hillary. The country will be even more radicalized in 2020. Something

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Post subject: UncleJD: Re: I predicted a Trump loss
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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At least not this time since there isn't one running.However, I truly believe that 4 years of Hillary will deliver a true, movement-conservative in 2020, especially if the GOP voters can regain their collectively lost minds from this cycle. There have never been 2 candidates poised for a one-term run than these two losers. No she will not deliver a true, movement-conservative in 2020. She will easily beat Kasich or Bush, as is the Establishment plan. If 8 years of Obama didn't make any GOP nominee win by a land slide, then neither will Hillary. The country will be even more radicalized in 2020. Something

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic: Re: I predicted a Trump loss
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
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At least not this time since there isn't one running.However, I truly believe that 4 years of Hillary will deliver a true, movement-conservative in 2020, especially if the GOP voters can regain their collectively lost minds from this cycle. There have never been 2 candidates poised for a one-term run than these two losers. No she will not deliver a true, movement-conservative in 2020. She will easily beat Kasich or Bush, as is the Establishment plan. If 8 years of Obama didn't make any GOP nominee win by a land slide, then neither will Hillary. The country will be even more radicalized in 2020. Something

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Post subject: Cojak: Your paranoid delusions make it hard to even try to engage in rational dialogue.If she is so good that she will easily beat Kasich or Bush (neither of whom will likely be a nominee), then she certainly won't beat Trump in 4 weeks. Your naivety and
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Anyone can copy and save this. If Hillary wins (which she probably will) it will be for 8 years. She has watched a president climb higher and higher in the ratings with his 'policies'. She plans to continue them. It is hard to beat a person who says, Vote for me and I will give you ice cream and free college. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: UncleJD:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Most of her own party doesn't even like her. She will win for one reason; she is not Trump. That's it. She will not magically be liked more in 4 years of dealing with her every single day. She is not a likable person. She could actually be challenged in her own primary and lose in 4 years. As for freebies, she has her public opinion (which changes according to the polling, i.e. free college, etc..), and her private opinion (which was her public opinion before having to change it). She's admitted to that on tape. The real problem now is that Trump is so ridiculously bad that he is going to pull the House and Senate down with him and give her a blank check. So in 4 years, unemployment will be 12%, inflation will have made a huge comeback, taxes will be through the roof, and the national debt will be 30 Trillion.

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Most of her own party doesn't even like her. She will win for one reason; she is not Trump. That's it. She will not magically be liked more in 4 years of dealing with her every single day. She is not a likable person. She could actually be challenged in her own primary and lose in 4 years. As for freebies, she has her public opinion (which changes according to the polling, i.e. free college, etc..), and her private opinion (which was her public opinion before having to change it). She's admitted to that on tape. The real problem now is that Trump is so ridiculously bad that he is going to pull the House and Senate down with him and give her a blank check. So in 4 years, unemployment will be 12%, inflation will have made a huge comeback, taxes will be through the roof, and the national debt will be 30 Trillion.I believe that no matter how wonderful liberalism sounds today, conservatism will make a comeback just like it did in 1980. Oh yes, all of those 10 million or so newly sworn-in illegal citizens are going to rally around the flag of conservatism in 2020 and vote for the GOP. Yeah, right. The GOP is either delusional or intentionally self-sabotaging their own party. They wait until after Trump cleans Hillary's clock in the debate, and the Frank Luntz focus group shows a room full of people switch their vote to Trump before they instruct their members to focus on saving the House of Representatives. What fools. They are inviting disaster and they deserve it. But perhaps they really do want to go back to being a minority party with a 30-40% stake in the hog trough

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