Most of her own party doesn't even like her. She will win for one reason; she is not Trump. That's it. She will not magically be liked more in 4 years of dealing with her every single day. She is not a likable person. She could actually be challenged in her own primary and lose in 4 years. As for freebies, she has her public opinion (which changes according to the polling, i.e. free college, etc..), and her private opinion (which was her public opinion before having to change it). She's admitted to that on tape. The real problem now is that Trump is so ridiculously bad that he is going to pull the House and Senate down with him and give her a blank check. So in 4 years, unemployment will be 12%, inflation will have made a huge comeback, taxes will be through the roof, and the national debt will be 30 Trillion.I believe that no matter how wonderful liberalism sounds today, conservatism will make a comeback just like it did in 1980. Oh yes, all of those 10 million or so newly sworn-in illegal citizens are going to rally around the flag of conservatism in 2020 and vote for the GOP. Yeah, right. The GOP is either delusional or intentionally self-sabotaging their own party. They wait until after Trump cleans Hillary's clock in the debate, and the Frank Luntz focus group shows a room full of people switch their vote to Trump before they instruct their members to focus on saving the House of Representatives. What fools. They are inviting disaster and they deserve it. But perhaps they really do want to go back to being a minority party with a 30-40% stake in the hog trough