this nation declared itself to be a pluralistic, polytheistic nation.While the nation reeled from the September 11 attacks upon the Twin Towers and Pentagon, these events pale to the event taking place September 23 at Yankee Stadium.Religious leaders represented Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and Hindu faiths were called upon to pray to their god.And we wonder if we have lost our covering, forfeited our blessings, and think we can come together under Clinton or make America great again under Trump.Either one elected will not bring the objectives their supporters seek.Is it true God can set up and take down kings. No doubt. But will God allow people to make choices in a democratic society, including those who do not reflect the moral and ethics revealed in a Biblical worldview. No doubt.Yet, there are some things that have been foreordained by God, as the death of Jesus during the Passover reveals. So, vote for Trump, or even Clinton, eventually both will establish a path for our nation that will fulfill God's plan and that plan has no place for America. There may be Americans, men, women, and children who have embraced Jesus as Messiah and Savior, but does not promise we will see a godly, prosperous, nation. Many will be surprised, caught off guard, disheartened, discouraged if they are placing the restoration of our nation in the hands of a man/woman or political party God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led