It is time for the largest mass migration since the California gold rush of 1849 to a place where a godly ,Christian nation can once again be established on the North American continent, the State of Texas. Using the New England firebrand preacher Roger Williams as our inspiration, who fled religious persecution in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and began the colony of Providence Plantation (which became Rhode Island later) in 1636 which provided a refuge for religious minorities. Williams was a member of the first Baptist church in America, the First Baptist Church of Providence.Don't say it can't be done. Why would God put such lofty goals on the hearts of men and women centuries ago but not stir hearts to do similar exploits in our time? We will need a such a refuge ( not a utopia) very shortly. But these reasons do not even mention the economic advantages of an independent Texas. Please, I encourage everyone to research this before brushing it aside. Mass migration is what built this nation. Persecuted Christians have established a presence in many parts of the world all throughout history. The French Huguenots are another example.Can Texas make it? among the