I think what NBF is getting at is not about your vote, its your public defense and tirades. I and most that don't like Trump are not telling you you can't vote for him and be a Christian (if I have then I apologize, I may question it, but I haven't even said you can't vote Democrat and go to heaven, still question it though). Its the leadership of the church making certain claims that morality can be put aside this time even though they said the opposite in the 90s with Bill Clinton, that looks bad on the church and on those leaders', and I'm sorry but I feel it WILL reflect on the rest of us, if it does not, then great, but I don't see how.But you most certainly can freely vote for anyone you want! I don't even use the bad-math if you vote for X you are voting for Y because only Z can beat Y reasoning like many here try to shove on everyone else. I have a lot of family and friends voting for Trump, that's fine, they have thought it through for themselves and this is anything but an easy choice this time. I also have many who are VERY civic minded and patriotic and their conscience and prayer has led them to decide not to vote at all! Again, their choice and not easily decided on, but yet many here will tell them what THAT means (they aren't this or that, they are this or that, they are voting for Hillary, they ARE voting for Trump, etc..) IF I vote third party, don't tell me what MY vote means either. I'm awfully tired of hearing moralizing sermons about why I should vote for Trump. This is America, we are free to vote according to our conscience, and the candidates are free to have lived how they lived and say the things they want to say that sway voters to vote for them as individuals, its up to them.