The church has been just as ignorant on politics, the Constitution and history as the world is. Instead of waiting every four years for a Presidential candidate that passes the Evangelical smell-test, we should have focused our energies on packing our State Houses and Governors' mansions with officers who would stand up for an originalist view of the reserved rights to the States, and who will invoke Article 5 if need be. Until the State governments start protecting us from Federal encroachment, there will be no change. We must elect our own, the people who sit in our pews. We don't do this to create a theocracy or kingdom now, but simply to ensure candidates are elected that protect our liberties and freedoms,. In most States, Evangelical candidates for these offices would win simply by campaigning in the churches. Our strategy of having abortion marches and anti-sin campaigns has not worked. Only the States have the power to reign in all three branches of an out-of-control Federal Government, if they only would