Last month, I had a person leave our church to go to another church. This person wasn't faithful in their support or attendance, they would attend for a month or two then disappear for several months and then out of the blue show up for another month or two and again disappear. I would try to contact them, but never got a reply back from them, so I wasn't surprised when I found out they were attending another church.What gets me is when a person leaves a church for whatever reason, why do they feel the need to try and draw others away with them?I had a lady this past Sunday stand before the church and say that she has been contacted and being encouraged to leave our church to go to this other church. I spoke with her after service and she said that before she came to our church that she attended other churches, but never felt she was accepted at any of them. When she came to our church, she said she felt welcomed and nobody looked down on her. She is a very poor lady and has never asked the church for anything, but we have given her food and money. She told me she would never leave our church and I assured her she is a vital part of our congregation.