Thanks for saying that. I feel hopeless in my reasoning, but hopeful in my heart. That's why I honestly don't think Hillary can finish us all off like some do. She's horrible, no doubt about it, but God is greater and I think if God's people start worrying more about God's business than everyone else's, there is still hope for our country.As for things that will keep me from voting for a candidate,1. Abortion - past and present claims considered2. Temperament - Would I trust them to put America's interest ahead of their own, leading a all to peace.3. trustworthiness (beyond simple moral failing) - have their past actions warranted future trust?4. Moral failings - have they lived a life that shows they can't be trusted? (forgiven and trusted are different things)5. Deep and narrow vision of the Constitution - Do they seem well versed in our most important national document? If they have the liberal its a living document view, then they can't govern as the Founding Fathers intended6. History of fair and honest dealings (either in government or business)Partial list, but I'm starting to see why I can't decide