Unfortunately she didn't write a similar letter about Mrs. Bill Clinton!By the time Hillary gets her way with social engineering Roxanne will probably pay a fine for expressing her views as a Christian.Some thoughts I muse over:I believe our high schools should offer courses in our trades so kids can more easily obtain good work.I believe every male/female must do 2 years in one of our 4 branches of military upon leaving high school.I believe every single American should be forced to live in a communist country or a financially desperate 3rd world country for 1 year before entering college.I believe every American should be taught gun safety & be involved in a yearly competition using pistols or rifles.I wish there were a course that couples could take that would show them step by step the cost & accounting of what goes in to raising a child.If only every paycheck were paid minus a 10% mandatory retirement fund deposit that would be off limits for a minimum of at least 35 years.If we had certain types of social obligations I don't think we would have to worry about having people like HRC & her boy Bill moving into the highest office in the world.I keep reminding myself of Dan. 2:20-22 Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!