Self-righteousness is evidenced in so many ways... teaching from a platform of arrogance, attitudes toward the sinful, pride in accomplishment of keeping the law. But, I also feel that we teach people to this same end. Take tithing for example...we teach tithing is a requirement of faith. It is NOT! Stewardship is!In fact, a person who makes $300K and gives $30K, who sits back and feels they have 'stewarded' biblically is so misinformed by our current teaching on such. It is the nature of the Christian religion to set minimum standards that are not biblical and allow people to feel pretty doggone good about themselves. In fact, no matter how 'spiritually grounded' the person in my example is, I bet he or she would serve on the council, deacons, elders, etc of more than half of all churches, while the 72 year old widow who prays diligently, lives on a SS income of $1300/month, gives $75/mth and never misses a week of worship might never be considered....just because he was successful and she isn't. It is a cruel joke we play on people Live an epiK life!Discover More...www.refocusing.orgA Mission in |