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WW2 European Theatre, what a waste.

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic: WW2 European Theatre, what a waste.
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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We spent all that American blood to take Eastern Europe from one dictator only to give it to an even murderous dictator. Then we drew a line in the sand and told the new dictator, You can't cross this line, spending trillions to keep that policy in force for 50 years. Question......why didn't we just do that with Hitler? Much of the central and eastern European countries were his allies. We simply could have warned him to stay out of western Europe, which he really had no designes on to begin with. Central Europe could then have been a buffer between western Europe and the USSR, the far greater menace. No war. No holocaust

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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And when did those people die that are pictured? It was not until 1943, that the Nazis knew that it was all over, that the Final Solution was implemented. While Jews were persecuted in Germany in the 30's, there were no mass killings. Many of Hitler's allies in central Europe did not agree with his policies on the Jews. Thus if there had been no declaration of war by France and Britain, Hitler never would have had access to those Jews and the Holocaust would not have happened. By the time Hitler came to power, Stalin had already slaughtered millions more than the Nazis ever would. So my point remains. The European Theatre was a waste. If we drew a line with the Soviets, Western Europe could have done the same with Hitler, saving millions of lives.I'll make an assumption now that you had no idea the mass killings did not start happening until 1943. You probably think the Holocaust was going on in the 30's, didn't you

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Post subject: Old Time Country Preacher:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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And when did those people die that are pictured? It was not until 1943, that the Nazis knew that it was all over, that the Final Solution was implemented. While Jews were persecuted in Germany in the 30's, there were no mass killings.

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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And when did those people die that are pictured? It was not until 1943, that the Nazis knew that it was all over, that the Final Solution was implemented. While Jews were persecuted in Germany in the 30's, there were no mass killings. This is simply not true, RS. True, the Final Solution went into full swing in 1943, but there were numerous mass killings prior to that. Study ya history, son, an don't be tryin to pull one over on the ole timer. There were indeed killings prior to 1943, but nothing on the scale of the Holocaust. But the point remains, Hitler would not have had access to them had there not been a silly war guarantee given to Poland by France and Britain. Later, they admitted that they gave Poland that guarantee thinking it would somehow prompt Poland to negotiate with Hitler. Sadly, it had the opposite effect causing Poland to thumb its nose at the German dictator. France and Germany knew they could not defend Poland. Their war guarantee was a fraud. Hitler was not planning on annexing Poland. He wanted them as an ally against Russia. He was not even asking for huge chunks of land from them. He wanted the port city of Danzig that was 90% German. Even Churchill admitted Hitler's demand was not unreasonable. Poland was a quasi-fascist dictatorship that was persecuting its own Jews. This is what we all went to war over

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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There is no revision at all. Please point out the revision in one thing I posted. Remember, I'm speaking directly about the years of 1939 on. Hitler had allies. He did not control these countries. Most of them rejected his Jewish policies. So those Jews were out of Hitler's reach. Poland-Hitler wanted them as an ally, a buffer against the Soviets. Had Poland allowed Danzig to be co-administered by the two countries, and for a road to be built for German transit to that city, Hitler would not have invaded. Thus he would have had no access to those Jews.Western Europe- No war with Western Europe means Hitler has no access to their Jews. Therefore, the only Jews he would have had access to would have been German Jews, which he was not killing in mass. He was simply trying to rid Germany of them.So what does that leave? Even after the invasion of Poland, the western European powers could have drawn a line and said , no further. He didn't want war with them to begin with.Eventually, the Axis powers might have conquered the USSR, and that could have meant trouble for the Jews there, but it would also have eliminated a grave threat to the West. So again, where's the revision?Why not draw the line with Hitler instead of Stalin

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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And you are a few clicks shy of being a liar. It is one thing to disagree with me. It is another to pretend like you don't understand my point and then debate with your misrepresentation. The point is, had Britain and France not given a war guarantee to Poland there would have been no war and Hitler would not have had access to jews outside of Germany. Am I clear?And let's talk about just wars. Had we not let ourselves get sucked into WW1 against Germany, there never would have been a Hitler. We had no stake in that war. Wilson was lied to when he was promised there would be no dismemberment of Germany. There perhaps has never been a nation that was betrayed in history as post WW1 Germany was. Just as we created ISIS, we created Hitler and Stalin through our insane foreign policies. So all of the victims and ISIS and Hitler have western nations to thank for their demise

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Post subject: Methocostal:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Absolutely, I've read several books on Hitler as he fascinates me and you are right. I am revising my comment now in case someone gets the wrong view of what I meant. He fascinates me from the prospective of how a country could fall for one so evil. NOT that I admire him.

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Post subject: UncleJD:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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And you are a Hitler apologist as well. Hitler wasn't so bad, he could have been negotiated with, and its America's fault he did the things he did. Poor old Hitler.

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Post subject: Methocostal:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Are you saying if we had not been involved, Hitler would have stayed in Germany. I guess by extension, he would have only murdered German Jews? In either case, do you really think he would have stayed there? He wanted to conquer the world and he would have had not the US entered the war. I can't speculate on your WW1 hypothesis, perhaps you are right. But, once Hitler got power, he wanted the World. One cannot reason with bullies. They only understand strength. Chamberlain saw that to his chagrin.

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Post subject: Methocostal: And you are a few clicks shy of being a liar. It is one thing to disagree with me. It is another to pretend like you don't understand my point and then debate with your misrepresentation. The point is, had Britain and France not given a war g
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Evidentally, the blame America first diplomacy institagated by Obama has invaded our thinking. We really need to go apologize to the Japanese for bombing them. Forget we saved both American and Japanese lives as a result. Indeed the bomb was terrible, brought great destruction and killed hundreds of thousands, but the death toll would have been multifold what it was without the bomb.That said, I wish the bomb was not created because the potential exists to dwarf the casulaties (or potential casualities) in Japan. Nevertheless, it is what it is, and we must deal with that fact.

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