What about calling a good man Lyin' Ted and starting a rumor about his daddy being involved in the JFK killing? Questioning Ben Carson's religion? Making fun of the disabled? This list could go very long. It's not just Hillary. It's everybody he opposes. School yard, middle school bully. There is no question about the way Trump has conducted himself. I'd ask my friends who clearly see that (and accurately too btw), to reconsider and go ahead and vote straight Republican for the simple fact that there is no other legitimate choice (Johnson is not polling well, the Libertarian party squandered a perfect storm that could have blown them all the way to the whitehouse, they couldn't find a good candidate, sorry but that's my opinion). I ask that in humility and without preaching or telling you that you are no good, stupid, or any of the other bullying language that has come out of the Trump camp. Its hard, but I think we have to consider that there really isn't much of a choice this time. I fully understand your reasoning and have shared it and only recently (mostly) made up my mind on this. It is not with relish, I'm not happy, if Hillary wins I will blame Trump and his supporters during the primaries, never those who Trump couldn't convince to vote for him. Its on him, not you. But I do ask all of you to reconsider. Especially if you live in a swing state.