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The Thinker

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Post subject: Link: The Thinker
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Without looking anything up online, from memory, could you describe the statue 'The Thinker'? What does the pose look like as best as you can remember

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Post subject: Nature Boy Florida:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Saw it in Philadelphia - impressive green statue - fist under chin - thinking

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Post subject: bonnie knox:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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It's interesting you asked this question--just yesterday I was reading a blog post on a site called American Thinker, which has Uncle Sam in the pose of The Thinker.(Some of the commenters needed to spend a little more time in the position.

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Post subject: Link:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Does anyone remember first on forehead? Was that another statue? That's what I remember, instead of a guy eating his hand. Apparently, a lot of old books record observations of the statue that match my memories. George Bernard Shaw posed as The Thinker with fist on forehead, and I believe there is a weightlifter pose like that called The Thinker

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Post subject: Nature Boy Florida:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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That's the Tebow praying pose.We can call it The Prayer.Probably could use one at each church.I am going to market it - and make money on it

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Post subject: Link: (link)
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Someone posted a video in a forum about the Mandala effect. There was a woman who remembered Mandala dying in prison in the 1980's, South Africa mourning, a speech from his widow, and was surprised when he died in 2013. I didn't remember that. I wondered if that was mixing up a Martin Luther King rally and memories of the reactions to Mandala visiting the US or something like that.A lot of people had memories of different names of things and different logos, like there being no little loop on the F on Ford. I didn't remember the loop. But maybe I never noticed. They remembered Depends and not Depend. Me too, but I never saw it spelled. I thought Febreze was Febreeze, too. Berenstein Bears was apparently Berenstain. So what. It violates our sense of proper spelling so we don't notice the way it is.But this one really stood out to me. I remember The Thinker having his fist to his forehead, like multitudes of others do. But now, he has his chin on his fist, and apparently always has. I remember thinking it odd that I'd remembered it wrongly or that the position was off when I saw the Ben Stiller museum movie, but didn't think much of it.But apparently, the actual statue is 'wrong', with his chin on his fist instead of his forehead on his fist like it was when I was a kid. That's weird. And other people see the same problem. One guy freaked out when he went to see the statue in person the second time and posted a video.Someone on Reddit posted a number of historical references to the first being on the of the most famous statues rodins the thinker/George Bernard Shaw posed in a post imitating The Thinker with his head on his forehead. So I am wondering what the explanation is. The Sci-Fi explanation is that some of the quantum physics computers are blending together alternate realities. I suppose some rich person or government official stole the real statue and swapped it out with the chin version, and had it put into a movie, just to see how much they could manipulate us. I made that theory up as a nice natural conspiracy theory that doesn't invovle Sci Fi.Or the easiest explanation is that I saw some other statue, thought it was The Thinker, and somehow many others saw it and thought it was the Thinker, too. That wouldn't explain the historical references to fist to forehead.There is a new photo of a nude George Bernard Shaw posting with the chin pose, in addition to the forehead pose. The Sci Fi explanation is that the realities are merging and the forehead pose will eventually disappear form the time line. No one else remembers the fist to forehead statute? Is there one out there by a different name that I confused with the Thinker. I'm not a real art guy, so that is very possible. Historical references here, at least the last time I checked. I am not responsible for parts of the post dropping off as the time lines merge. of the most famous statues rodins the thinker

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Post subject: Old Time Country Preacher:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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If you add a prophecy about the Cleveland portal, an write a brief treatise on those that assume that pose will have No More Dry Seasons, you gonna make some money fer shore, NB. Son, the gullibles (even the gullibles here on Acts) will come a runnin.

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Post subject: c6thplayer1:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Post subject: bonnie knox:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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It is interesting that so many people remember it in the wrong way, but human memory is subject to mistakes like that whether we want to admit it or not. Also, if a faulty memory is reinforced (such as the references in writing saying 'fist to head'), that tends to increase our confidence in our confabulation. For example, brotherjames has repeatedly called some posters on this board doubters enough times that he is actually believing

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Post subject: Link: (L)
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I think I have an explanation for it. Actually, I found another reference to the first-to-forehead besides the quotes on the site I linked. I found this with a Google Scholar search.Promise Bound2014 bookDad asked. “No.” Dad picked itupand lookedat the screen. “It's Daniel.” I glanced over.Oh, brother. “Do you think he needs help?” Calder was doing Rodin's The Thinker, fist on forehead. “No doubt,But I also found a picture of Rodin standing near the statue with the hand in its chin.So, looking at some of the pictures of the statue, I think I know what is going on. The wrist of the statue is bent at an unnatural angle. It is not that it is impossible to bend our wrists that way, but not a likely position. Maybe my mind 'filled in' the idea of the hand being extended in a more comfortable position, against the forehead. Looking at a thumbnail of this 2010 - Le Penseur.jpg& 4m53-OJMMCM%3A&w=1775&h=2663&bih=520&biw=1145&ved=0ahUKEwjP34W1-P3PAhWEuI8KHX1yCS0QMwgcKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8That seems to make sense. Of course, a lot of folks will go for the parallel universe explanation over the psychological mind-filling-in-the-blanks explanation, especially if you tell them there is supposed to be another 'e' in Frebreze and that Darth Vader said, No, I am your father instead of Luke, I am your father. Scientists tapping into a multi-universe using quantum computers is more fun than this other explanation. I think looking at this statue from certain angles, the minds of some of us want to put the man's fist against his forehead for comfort, to make the position seem a bit more natural. That could explain why multiple people have reinterpreted the statue the way I have it in my memory. Also, it may be that in the past, only certain angles of the statue made it into certain textbooks and media. But now, with Internet picture searches, it is possible to see the statue from angels that are not consistent with my mind's extrapolated version of the statue. I suspect certain other people saw pictures of the statue from the same angle that I did. Of course, this would not explain the video from the man who went to see the statue six years ago and claimed it was a different statue, with fist on forehead. But him remembering wrong makes more sense than parallel universes as an explanation. Pictures of Rodin with the current version of the statue in old textbooks posted online would require an extremely elaborate conspiracy theory to pull off. So I'm going with the mental extrapolation theory as an explanation for my memory

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