You need to help me process some of these perceptions.You say, It is that political entitlement you speak of that motivated some of these moves.One of the North Georgia men spent 16 years at his first church. It grew from less than a dozen people to one of the largest churches in the region. He moved to his last church to a church that was in financial distress and turned it around in less than five years. He is well loved in North Georgia, served on the State Council, and would have inevitably been a state overseer in two years if he had stayed in North Georgia. He put that opportunity on the shelf to move to Alabama. Alabama has sent out at least 6 men to be state overseers in the last 15 years. 0 have come from North Georgia in the last 15 years. The executive committee will not be taking men from Alabama as State Overseers for a long time. They will certainly not pull two men in a row from the same church. By the way, a non North Georgia man is going to his former church. The other North Georgia man spent 18 years at the same church. With the help of the Lord, he grew his church exponentially, purchased a huge complex, and relocated his congregation into one of the fastest growing areas of Metro Atlanta. He is also very respected in North Georgia, has served on the State Council, and has served in state administration in other states. His North Georgia church was much larger with less debt than the Alabama church that he is going to. If an Alabama man would like to go to North Georgia, I am confident that Tom Madden would be more than happy to include a qualified person in the mix.The Florida pastor was elected to the council of 18 because his peers recognized the extraordinary job that he has done in South Florida. Like the other two gentlemen that I mentioned, he is well respected in Florida and was elected to the council in Florida. He is an excellent leader who will do a great job in his new assignment.I know each of these men well enough to tell you that they have enough integrity that they will not get caught up in the political posturing that is Alabama. They will show up, be supportive, and be engaged. However, they are each confident enough in who they are that they will not give any energy in trying to fit into to the political structure. I can almost guarantee that their three churches will grow and thrive under their leadership and that they will all be there a long time. I have talked to both of the men from North Georgia (Who are both originally from Alabama, btw). They have both told me that they hope to finish their ministry where they are assigned now.