We won a man to our church who brought a whole bunch of people to our church. The mother of one of the families was a very interesting person. She came to a dinner we had and somehow she found out I was the Pastor and wanted to chat with me. So, I sat at her table to talk and oh my goodness!!! the stuff that came out of her mouth was beyond triple X rated. I told her that her grandkids were close by and she stopped talking. She and her family continued to come to the church and the family really got in and so did she but this lady was really weighed down with sin in a way I have not ever seen before. This woman had knowledge of many different religions and had melded them together to come up with this weird belief system. She was extremely jealous of her husband, she was seriously addicted to marijuana, she was extremely angry, extremely bitter, vicious when she would attack people, I believe she was schizophrenic, her children tried to avoid her, her siblings stayed away from her and she could come up with a lie on someone so fast your head would spin. I had never dealt with someone like this before. One night, I was called to her daughter and son-in-laws house to help them deal with this woman. We sat down and tried to talk through some of the problems they were having. All of a sudden this woman went into a rage(demonic rage) and started accusing her daughter and son-in-law of all kinds of horrible things. We tried to get her to stop but she wouldn't she continued on for quite a long time. I told my wife and the couple to not say anything, not to listen to the lies and not to react to her just to pray. At some point, she must have realized what she was saying was not working and then she turned on me. Whoa!!! she came up with some stuff that made my hair stand on end. As soon as she started in on me, my wife and I began to immediately rebuke this woman/Spirit with everything we had in us. After about 10 to 15 minutes of serious rebuking, praying and quoting of scripture she finally stopped.