I was wrong! I was wrong about Trump in a lot of ways. I didn't think he could beat Hillary Clinton, but in retrospect I now think he alone could have done it. Not because of him, but because of his message of rejecting the ruling class, rejecting special interest, and return of power to the regular working-class guy. I voted for Trump out of rejection of Hillary and that was probably the coalition that helped bring this about, but the mid-west, rust-belt is where the win came from. I pray that this Republican government can come together and deliver a prosperous economy to those hard-working Americans that made their voice heard last night.I was right about the votes not being rigged, and we can all be thankful today that God gave us a land in which our voices can still be heard. I hope the Church will continue to turn to God so that our land can be healed. I pray for those that are in fear today, that the lies of the media and the ruling class are turned on their heads. That they learn that a free society and economy will benefit us all.I pray for our President-elect that the weight of the office will bring humility and a burden for the people as it should.I would like to offer an olive branch to those with whom I've butted heads on this forum, this has been a long and stressful season, its time to heal and unite our country under God once again and pray and support our