Previous resident whitehouse communist Van Jones described it as white lash.I hope we can all be Americans, but I have a real problem with Obama's demonization of law enforcement and our ongoing open borders policy. Obama has done more to cause racial division than any other president since U.S. Grant. We as a church fasted and prayed about the election Monday. I knew I had many options going into the voting booth. I did not like any of the options. A write in is a protest vote. A third or fourth party vote does not hold much weight. I knew that after all the things that Hillary and Bill did with the Clinton foundation and while they were in the Whitehouse I wanted most of all NOT to see them back in the whitehouse so I voted the best way I knew how to keep them out. I voted straight Republican. Never have done that before and probably never will. I did not look at his name just went in and colored the Republican oval and was done.