First, an Obama (or Hillary) appointee would ABSOLUTELY be liberal and would tilt the court completely to the left. True, Kennedy is a conservative traitor. Reagan tried and hoped, and should have tried appointing with more of a history to judge conservative credentials. But, hindsight is 20/20. Someone noted he probably couldn't have been successful in getting a proven conservative confirmed. I think Reagan tried and misread Kennedy.That said, at LEAST we have a CHANCE of a conservative justice with Trump. With Hillary, no way. As I've noted in other posts, I am not fond of Trump, but he was the least bad. I hope he will learn to be more diplomatic. If he can learn to be as strong in his beliefs as he is now, without the bafoonery and bad language, we can have hope. There was zero hope with Hillary.I hope allegations of his sexual aggressiveness is wrong as that is obviously no less acceptable whether his name was Trump or Bill Clinton. But, I remain highly suspect with timing of his accusers to suddenly appear in October. That said, his locker room banter and his lewd comments certainly add an element of credibility for his accusers. He certainly has the persona that would suggest he thinks he is God's gift to women, so I acknowledge he could be guilty of such conduct. Neverthless, what was the choice? Throw away our vote for a 3rd party? Indeed, it would have sent a message, but we would have President Hillary today. 3rd party votes succeeding in allowing Clinton to have more popular votes than Trump. (About 4% went independent and 1% green party). Hillary would have received almost all the green party votes and a part of independent (that were originally Bernie supporters), but Trump would have likely had enough of the 3rd party to get the majority. If indeed, the independents were mostly Bernie voters, then Hillary would have won if those voted directly for her. But personally, I think more would have sided Republican than Hillary, but I don't have data to support that.